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The Irish Party leaders, who had a few months before still persisted in describing the Ulster preparations as "a masquerade" and "a sham," were now in a state of funk and panic. They found the solid ground they thought they had stood on rapidly slipping from under them.

"It's a howling shame!" exploded a third. "It makes me feel grouchy." "I move we strangle Diamond," suggested the first speaker. "It seems that that is the only way to keep his tongue still," dolefully groaned a tall chap. "This is a big horse on us." "That's what," sighed a boy with a face like a girl's. "The whole business puts me in a blue funk."

The thing was there and Ted Holiday had to look at it whether it made him feel "darned rotten" or not. He did not want to help the girl, did not even want to renew their acquaintance by even so much as a letter. The whole thing was an infernal nuisance. But infernal nuisance or not, he had to deal with it, could not funk it.

Being persons, then, women are citizens; and no State has a right to make any law, or to enforce any old law, that shall abridge their privileges or immunities. The World's Famous Orations. Funk & Wagnalls, Vol.

He protests that the thing was legal, and all that only a Radical inner ring but he says that at the last meeting this fellow was dropping hints about putting somebody out of the way. Dyer that's the lad's name swears the rest of them disowned him and said they'd have nothing to do with it, and hoped he'd given up the idea." "I suppose he's in a blue funk?" asked the Captain.

No net at hand so did not identify any. Pheasants in bad shape. Nobody to keep them down. Must arrange drives while I'm away. Late at night a barn owl in the chapel belfrey. Saw him and heard him. Constance nervous; omens and that sort, I fancy; but no funk. Rotten deal for her." "Who was Constance?" asked Miss Erith. "Evidently his wife.... I wish we could get those trinkets to her."

The next moment the good lady had departed, and Kathleen, looking thoroughly bewildered, was left alone. "Dear, dear!" she said. "Yet I am an Irish girl, and I'm not going to show funk. There are all those poor girls waiting in the yard so long. I will go to them at once. Come with me, Susy." There were about forty girls in the yard, and they sat close together.

I saw it in his blurred eyes and the quivering of his bloated lips stark dumb funk. That was bad. I'm afraid I lost my nerve, too; I make no excuses; fear is infectious. At all events, we tore down out of that place as if death was after us, the mules clattering and flapping in the rear.

"Hello, Tommy," said the breakfaster. "What'll you have to drink? An entente cordialer?" "Don't joke," said the other. "I'm in a pale pink funk. I'm afraid to look into the morning papers." "Hello! What have you been up to that's scandalous?" "It isn't me," replied the diplomat ungrammatically. "It's Telfik Bey." "Telfik Bey? Wait a minute. Let me think."

"He says we shall give away the position of the road." "It's the one they told us to take. We've got to go on it. He's in a beastly funk. That's what's the matter with him." The Belgian shrugged his shoulders as much as to say he had done his duty and things might now take their course, and they were mistaken if for one minute they supposed he was afraid.