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The body of it is adorned with twenty columns engaged in the wall, and the peristyle, which is open, with ten detached pillars that support the entablature. They are all of the Corinthian order, fluted and embellished with capitals of the most exquisite sculpture, the frize and cornice are much admired, and the foliage is esteemed inimitable.

I was equipped as a satyr, in a dress of drab frize that fitted to my shape; with a great laughing mask, ornamented with huge ears and short horns.

There was a door. "Bang on that door over there, silly!" he cried, in cheering accents, to his trusty lieutenant; "behind that thing that looks like a chevaux de frize." Denny had never been to Woolwich, and while Oswald was explaining what a chevaux de frize is, the match burnt his fingers almost to the bone, and he had to feel his way to the door and hammer on it yourself.

I have given the description of the life that I propose to lead for the future, in this motto, which I have put up in the frize of my library in my new house: Nunc veterum libris, nunc somno, et inertibus horis Ducere sollicitae jucunda oblivia vitas.

"Maybe," said the stranger, who threw off the frize jock, and exhibited a muscular frame of great power, cased in an old black coat "maybe the gintleman would like to get a small taste of the 'Scuffle'" "Not at all," replied the Englishman; "I have not the least curiosity for it I assure you I have not. What the deuce do they mean, Johnston? I hope you have influence over them."

The garrison of Neuburgh retiring to Ingoldstadt, the place was secured by the confederates, and the count de Frize was detached with nine battalions and fifteen squadrons to invest the town of Rain.

"I hear they were a set of common clod-hopping wretches, with frize coats and brogues, that no man could get round at all, for they were as cunning as foxes, and could tell blarney from good sense, rather better than people with better coats on them. "Now, the moment that Mr.

This turn of the wheel is reflected with curious accuracy by an anonymous satirist of 1735: "F -g, who Yesterday appear'd so rough, Clad in coarse Frize, and plaister'd down with Snuff, See how his Instant gaudy Trappings shine; What Play-house Bard was ever seen so fine!

The blows of the others from the other side were deafening. All was saved. It was the right door. "Go and ask for candles and matches," shouted the brave Oswald. "Tell them there are all sorts of things in here a chevaux de frize of chair-legs, and " "A shovel of what?" asked Dicky's voice hollowly from the other side of the door. "Freeze," shouted Denny.

I gaue him a new sute of frize after the English fashion, because I saw he could not indure the colde, of which he was very ioyful, he trimmed vp his darts, and all his fishing tooles, and would make okam, and set his hand to a ropes end vpon occasion. He liued with the dry Caplin that I tooke when I was searching in the pinnis, and did eate dry Newfoundland fish.