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Updated: August 10, 2024

For, the Lady Abbess being from home, somebody forgott to provide the Lady Purbeck her dinner, and to leave the roome open where she used to dine at night, expostulating with the Abbess, they agreed to part fairely, which the Abbess was the more willing unto in regard the Lady Purbeck did not live according to that strictness as was expected. Car. Richelieu helped her into the Nunnerie."

One night I forgott my bracer, which was wett; being up and downe in those pooles to fetch my fowles, one of these beasts carried it away, which did us a great deal of wrong, and caused the life to great many of those against whom I declared myselfe an ennemy. We imagined that some wildmen might have surprized us; but I may say they weare far more afrayd then we.

It is interesting, on account of the name of Catherine Davy, an ancestress of the famous Sir Humphry, whose marble statue stands before the Penzance Market House facing Market Jew Street. Death shall not make her memory to rott Her virtues were too great to be forgott.

The evening being come, the wildmen are brought to the place destinated, not far from our fort. Every one makes his bundle of provisions & marchandises & household stuff, gunns, &c., some hid in the ground, and the rest scattered because we could not save them. We made excellent bisquetts of the last year's corne, & forgott not the hoggs that weare a fatning.

Beasts lost the naturall motion of each limbe, Forgott to goe with practiseing to swime: A trout now here you would not thinke how soone Taken and drest for th'Emperour o'the Moone, The fixed Starres, though to our eyes were missing Wee knew yet were by their continuall hissing.

Cap. Wy, now you speake like an understanding soldier, and one that may come to something in the end. Lett us therefore march on. Un. March on to Venus Warres. Cap. For you know, Thomas, that the Spider and the Bee, the Spider and the Bee, do both something, but in troth I have forgott what tis. Un. Tis no matter what; let us goe. Cap.

Sir Hu. Sir Gef. Yes, yes, I can; but let me see, I have almost forgott; to say truth, I never heard the reason, but as the wisest guess hum, hum he should have had her daughter. Crac. I might have had her my self, you know, uncle. Sir Gef. Peace, Nephew, peace, give Justice leave to speake. As I related, the reason I related, Sir, was as I told you. Sir Hu. You told me nothing yet, Sir Geffery.

Not so much as transitorie wicker bottles to his Deputy Livetenant, no fewell for his winter, no carriages for his summer, no steple sugarloaves to sweeten his neighbours at Christmas, no robbing my brave tennants of their fatt Capons or Chickens to present his worship withall, Thomas. Tho. I cry your worship mercy, you sold him land the last terme; I had forgott that. Un.

I forgott to tell that the day the woman layed in, some houres before, shee and I roasted some Indian Corn in the fire: being ready, shee pulled out the grains one by one with a stick, and as shee was so doing, shee made a horrid outcry, shewing me a toad, which was in the breadth of a dish, which was in the midle of the redd ashes striving to gett out.

Heaven Smild at the contract twixt us; quiers of Saints Receivd our mutuall vowes, and though your Mother May in her passion seeme to have forgott Her pretious faith, yet when I shall awake Her sleeping reason with the memory Of that has past betwixt us, my strong hope Tells me I shall induce her to the spheare Which she has movd from. Cla. Would heaven you could!

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