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Outside the churchyard I pulled from my pocket the small Bible. "This belongs to you," I said: "I have kept it to help me with your language" but I held it open at the fly-leaf. She glanced at it, "Oh yes, I gave it to Nils, my husband. You wish to keep it?" "You were very fond of him, to judge from this," I said; and halted, expecting her to be angry.

Why was I not spared the task of enlightening it?" answered the courier. "Conditions are stumbling-blocks placed in the way of successful trackmen, football players, and rowing men by non-appreciative and envious professors." "'Joseph Gould Hudson, University of Yalvard," read Frank from the fly-leaf of the Memorabilia. "Is that your name, Mr. Hudson?" "I'm so borne on the Yalvard catalogue."

My name and address were written on the fly-leaf. Just at that moment one of the young men from the book-bindery happened along who knew him, and he introduced us. I did not invite him in, but we stood and talked for an hour or more on the steps, and he asked at length for the pleasure of my company to go with him to the theater the following evening, if my folks were willing.

"You say he was here in October?" asked Marian, when the laugh had subsided. "I have the date," answered our host, "for he left me an autograph copy of The Sybarites when he went away." And after dinner he showed us the book, with evident pride. Inscribed on the fly-leaf was the name of the author, October 10th. But a glance sufficed to convince both of us that the Celebrity had never written it.

Sheltered by a clothes-horse, apparently set up for a screen, I took out my pencil, and reported on a fly-leaf of the book I had been reading: "My brother was goin' to preach about the wicked: I will preach about the good. Twenty-sixth day. In the time of Elizabeth there was a very old house. It was so old that it was pulled down, and a quite new one was built instead.

She went to Boston that Friday afternoon, anxious to get safely home with Veronica. We parted with many a kiss and shake of the hand and last words. I cried when I went up to my room, for I found a present there a beautiful workbox, and in it was a small Bible with my name and hers written on the fly-leaf in large print-like, but tremulous letters.

The Bodleian specimen is especially interesting as containing on the fly-leaf a list in Anglo-Saxon of the contents of the library of Solomon the Priest, with notes as to other small collections. We have reached the period in which Northumbria became for a time the centre of Western culture.

She went over her story, as she had gone over it many times before in her letters. She told him all, but not the discovery she had just made. That should die with her, if it could. It would be easy enough, on the next day, when the nurse was out, to open the box again, and to tear out the fly-leaf from each book and so destroy the name.

Dwight's Version are, you observe, sadly warped and weather-stained; and from some stray figures which appear upon a fly-leaf you are constrained to think, that the Squire has sometimes employed a quiet interval of the service with reckoning up the contents of the old stocking-leg at home.

I turned to the fly-leaf and read this: "To my daughter on her eighth birthday from her father. "'I give you the end of a golden string: Only wind it into a ball, It will lead you in at Heaven's gate Built in Jerusalem's wall." "Isn't it lovely?" questioned the child, who had stood by, waiting, while I read. "Yes," I agreed, "very lovely, and very new."