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The same thought occurred to both as they beheld the peaceful welcome shining in his face, "Here is what we are seeking. Why try to define it?" "To think that I have been gossiping with Mrs. Meyer, while you were waiting for me!" he said. "She keeps the little florist's shop at the corner of Tower Street, and she gave me these. I little guessed what good use I should have for them, my dear."

"INCOME EXPENDITURES Two dollars Bone five cents Apples, cakes and sandwiches forty five cents Narcissi One dollar." It is delightful to relate that no one ever in all this world purchased more narcissi for one dollar than Felicia bought at the florist's stand that wonderful evening when she made her first expenditure from money she had actually earned.

Upon the third day, he was late in arriving, for his wife had complained at breakfast of headache and sickness, and he had stayed to comfort her and see her back to bed for a twenty-four hours' holiday from life. On his way he had stopped at a florist's to send her back some flowers. He was barely seated at his desk when there was a knock upon his door and Miss Pilgrim entered.

While in the reading room he saw Josiah Bean and his acquaintance leave the hotel and walk in the direction of Broad street. A little later Joe took from the paper he was reading the addresses of several people who wanted help, and then he, too, left the hotel. The first place he called at was a florist's establishment, but the pay was so small he declined the position.

My room at this moment is like a florist's window at nine o'clock on Saturday morning, and I have reason to suspect that mine host and teacher, Carl Koenig, F. E. C. O., exhibits them to admiring neighbours when I am out.

Matty had agreed; and that morning, before they had made their appearance at the florist's, they had gone to a barber's, and, with small worldly wisdom, Tony had demanded if he would give five dollars for Matty's hair.

Yet he stepped in and ordered the roses, nor did the florist once suspect that so lavish a buyer of flowers could be a prey to emotions of corroding cynicism toward the person for whom they were meant. From the florist's he returned directly to the hotel to find his mother and Psyche making homelike the suite to which they had been assigned.

Relieved of a large number of bank-notes, Violette discreetly retired. He next carried on a commonplace romance with a pretty little girl whose acquaintance he made one evening at a public fete. Louison was twenty years old, and earned her living at a famous florist's, and was as pink and fresh as an almond-bush in April.

"She's a Miss Matilda Collum," said he; "she is considered handsome by competent judges, and she keeps the books at a florist's in the vicinity of Bayswater." "And, if it isn't a rude question, why didn't you bring her with you this evening?" "Because she's away for a short holiday, and isn't coming back till the last thing to-morrow night."

For the most part she marked off at her breakfast table in the adjoining Swedish lunch room, under the newspaper heading, "Help Wanted, Female," the demands for stenographers, companions, hat models, and, on one occasion, for a cashier's vacancy in a Madison Avenue florist's. A persistent streak of circumstances seemed to prohibit her success.