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"Yes, unless we admit the existence of a spirit of pure malevolence seeking to drive an innocent man to self-destruction for no other motive than that of doing evil for evil's sake. That such an intelligence has been active in this case is certain; or how explain the cheat of the letter-box, a necessary factor in the problem, as you will admit?" "But you don't know."

Then, kissing the hands of Djalma, she added tenderly, "If the poison is slow, why do you weep?" "For you! for you!" said the Indian, in a heart-rending tone. "Think not of me," replied Adrienne, resolutely. "You have killed, and we must expiate the crime. I know not what has taken place; but I swear by our love that you did not do evil for evil's sake. There is some horrible mystery in all this."

Some doggerel a friend of mine scribbled on one book in particular describes dozens of popular novels exactly: O what a beautiful history! Think what temptations they passed! Each one more cruelly trying, More tempting, indeed, than the last. And what a lesson it teaches; No passion from evil's exempted Whilst admiring the moral it preaches, It makes you quite long to be tempted.

Evil comes from the gods, no doubt; but so do all things; and to extract good from it the great Prometheus-feat of man is not to evil's credit, but to the credit of good. The contrary doctrine is a poison to the spirit, though a poison of medicinal use in moments of anguish, a bromide or an opiate.

Fiercely the flow of death shall go And short the good man's shrift! All hell's awake full toll to take, And passions hour is swift. But there be cracks in evil's tracks Where seed shall safe abide, And living rocks shall breast the shocks Of overflowing tide. Castle and wall and keep shall fall, Prophet and plan shall fail, And they shall thank nor wit nor rank Who in the end prevail.

It is a duty to faithfully depict this pious and guileless death of a great man, at the close of a vigorous and a glorious life, made up of good and evil, without the evil's having choked the good.

"No mask!" stammered the older man, in confusion. "Nay, I am frankly what I am old Evil's self," P. Sybarite explained blandly; "but you, Brian Shaynon now you go always masked: waking or sleeping, hypocrisy's your lifelong mask. You see the distinction, old servant?" In another moment he might have suffered a sound drubbing with the ebony cane but for Peter Kenny's parlour-magic trick.

Such a moral condition is evil's opportunity when a disposition towards penitence or reform is either absent or resisted. The thought, therefore, of her father's drunkenness that day, and of herself as the immediate cause, made her so wretched and reckless that she tried to forget her miserable self in excitement, as he had in lethargy.

"for no falsehood can endure Touch of celestial temper, but returns Of force to its own likeness." But the touch of perfect goodness has often the opposite effect: it transforms the angel into the toad, which is evil's own likeness.

And if I were capable of that narrow-sighted joy in Adam's behalf, I should still know he was not the man to feel it for himself. He would have shaken his head at such a sentiment and said, "Evil's evil, and sorrow's sorrow, and you can't alter it's natur by wrapping it up in other words. Other folks were not created for my sake, that I should think all square when things turn out well for me."