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Updated: August 12, 2024

Perhaps I may be able to place it before you in a better light ere we have concluded our interview. You will sit down again, Miriam, will you not?" "Oh, surely, if you are alarmed; but, really, I should suppose, with Mrs. Clayton and Dr. Englehart no doubt in call, you need not be so tremulous.

Holding it high above my head, in a manner meant, no doubt, to be playful, and to suggest a game of snatch, perhaps, such as his peers might have afforded him, he displayed his treasure to my longing eyes, but I sat with folded arms. "If the letter brings me good news, I shall thank you warmly, Dr. Englehart; if not, I shall try to believe you unconscious of its contents."

Gregory wrote a large, clear hand, not difficult to decipher, even by the dim light of a moonlight lamp; and, while Dr. Englehart stood regarding me in the shadow, anxiously enough, I perceived, to keep me entirely on my guard, I perused, with mingled derision and terror, this truly characteristic epistle.

"He thanks you, through my lips, most lovely lady, for dis great proof of consideration; dis' message, which I shall truthfully deliver, will fill his heart with joy, long a stranger to his breast, for he has feared your hatred." "Now go, Dr. Englehart, and let no one come to me without previous warning, for I need all my strength to bear me up in this emergency. Nor would I meet Mr.

I fed him carefully; I bathed him tenderly, and rubbed his weary, aching limbs to rest, so that before many weeks the change was surprising, and the success of my treatment evident to all who saw him the comprehensive "all" being myself and two attendants. Dr. Englehart had been suggested in the beginning by Mrs.

Little children had ever been a passion with me, but this poor, repulsive thing was the "dernier ressort of desolation." That very evening I heard the husky and guttural voice of Dr. Englehart in the adjoining chamber, or rather in the closet of Mrs. Clayton, a mere anteroom originally, as it seemed, to the large apartment I occupied.

"Your signature to each, will be required, which, now that you are in your right mind again, and of age, will be binding, as you know. My witnesses shall be called in when the time comes. Dr. Englehart and Mrs. Clayton will suffice as proofs of these solemnities these and others likely to occur." "Solemnities! Levities, mockeries rather!" I could not help rejoining. He felt the sarcasm.

Englehart to let him come to see me, Sabra, and some day I will reward you" all this in the faintest whisper. "But Mrs. Raymond where is she? Does she never come here? I desire earnestly to speak with her. Can't you let her know this? Try, Sabra, for humanity's sake." At this juncture the head of Mrs. Clayton was thrust forth from its shell, turtle-wise, and appeared peering at the door-cheek.

Penniless and abandoned by all the world, and with a clouded name, he woos her as his wife the woman he adores!" And, as he read, or seemed to read, these words, with scarce an accent to mar their impetuous flow, Dr. Englehart drew in his breath with the hissing sound of passion, and folded his arms tightly across his padded breast, as if they enfolded the bride he was suing for in another's name.

To interest, to amuse you, is perhaps to cure!" "Thank you; I shall await his advent anxiously; be careful not to disappoint me." "Oh, not for vorlds!" "You are very kind; I believe, though, that is all we have to say to one another, Dr. Englehart." "You are bettair, then?" he said, advancing steadily toward me in spite of this dismissal. "You need no more leetle pill? Are you quite sure of dat?"

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