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"Ye-es, my lil ladee you are lil ladee of the Engleesh mandarin!" he heard the reply the reply of a Chinaman. "I now take my vengeance for my own child as I have each year promised. Give me the pretty jewels. You wanted to sell them, eh? But you will give them to me! I watched you take them from the table while they were all at the party.

"You see," he continued, "I have not the respect of you Engleesh for 'uman life. We will not argue it. I have at least some respect for prejudice. In my youth I had myself such prejudices; but one loses them on the Zambesi.

"I regret, m'sieur, that I, alas! know so very leetle of your Engleesh," he remarked pleasantly, and continued in French: "Sometimes my ignorance places me in great difficulty when en voyage here." Knowing French fairly well we soon commenced to chat in that language. He struck me as a man of considerable refinement and education.

"Have you fear that any of the nations wish to have your country?" "Yes, we have fear," returned the Secretary, with an unwontedly stern look. "They have tried it before; perhaps they will try it again. But they will fail. Has not God given us the land? Has not He moved the hearts of Engleesh men to send to us the Bible? Has not his Holy Spirit inclined our hearts to receive that Word?

Towards midnight a solitary figure moved slowly towards the place where the captives lay and awakened Miles, who sat up, stared, winked, and rubbed his eyes two or three times before he could bring himself to believe that his visitor was no other than the chief of the host Mohammed! "Rise. Com. I speak small Engleesh." Miles rose at once and followed the chief into the ruined hut.

To attempt anything would really be taking up time that is of vast importance to more hopeful cases." "Sir, do try," faltered the poor man in English. "Ha! You speak English?" said Edgar, turning quickly towards him; "forgive me, my poor fellow, I did not know that you understood " "Yis, me speak Engleesh. Me Singapore man. Go for vist me friends here. Cotch by pirits. Do try, doctir."

You cannot expect one to set any value upon the life of a black nigger; and when you have keeled a great many Kaffirs, by the lash, with the crocodiles, or what-not, then a white man or two makes less deeference. I acknowledge there were too many on board that sheep; but what was one to do? You have your Engleesh proverb about the dead men and the stories; it was necessary to make clin swip.

"Well, I have seen a few damaged shins and broken heads since I came to this location," said Jonas, "but such accidents occur chiefly among the Canadian French, who seem on the whole to be a clumsy set." "Not von half so clumsy as de Engleesh, or Irish, or Scosh," retorted Le Rue. "Perhaps you're right, an' mayhap you're wrong, lad, anyway here is supper.

"Hallo, Jean," he cried, "are you going to leave us?" "Not I, M'sieu Anderton," said the trapper with a grin. "I go wid you to Fort Malsun to help you look after Chigmok an' zee odders. But I zee team sold to M'sieu Stane, an' he goes to zee Engleesh Mission." "To the English Mission!"

I hazarded in that language, knowing that in most convents throughout Europe French is known. "Oui, m'sieur," was her answer. "And a leetle Engleesh, too a ve-ry leetle," she smiled. "You know why I am here?" I said, gratified that at least one person in that lonesome country could speak my own tongue.