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A little pleasant giddiness, as if the lightness of her heart had mounted to her head, made her glad of his arm up these steps and up the wharf; and she kept it as they climbed the sloping elm-shaded village street to the main thoroughfare, with its brick sidewalks, its shops and awnings, and its cheerful stir and traffic.

The blood of pioneers urged them forward. Their forefathers had moved from the old countries across the seas, from the elm-shaded towns of New England, from the unkempt villages that advanced into the virgin lands by the Great Lakes, from the peace and plenty of the splendid South.

There were many white-painted, green-blinded houses, with neat court-yards, of the kind always to be found in New England villages; but among these appeared, here and there, a quaint, old-fashioned mansion; and the elm-shaded streets gave glimpses of pretty country beyond, woodlands, cultivated valley-lands, and an encircling line of hills with softly rounded outlines.

Here are some Indians coming up the path, and I do believe that they have a little white boy and girl with them," and Rose Freeman drew her aunt to the open window that looked down over a smooth green lawn to an elm-shaded village street. Aunt Hetty's well-starched dress rustled pleasantly as she hurried to join Rose. "It's old Nakanit and her daughter," she said.

She was a hundred and four years old and I'd always promised myself that I'd go to her funeral." Aunt Philippa's tone was melancholy. She did not recover her good spirits until we were out on the pretty, grassy, elm-shaded country road, garlanded with its ribbon of buttercups. Then she suddenly turned around and looked me over scrutinizingly.

But don't let's talk about it until to-morrow. I've gotten over some of my fit of nerves, and I want to lose it for good." "Same here. That little run-in did us good." The two chums were back again in their room, and Andy brought out his catching glove, which he proceeded to mend. Quiet was settling down over the quadrangle and in the dormitories about the big, elm-shaded square.

Four girls were walking down an elm-shaded street. Four girls, walking two by two, their arms waist-encircling, their voices mingling in rapid talk, punctuated with rippling laughter and, now and then, as their happy spirits fairly bubbled and overflowed, breaking into a few waltz steps to the melody of a dreamy song hummed by one of their number.

Just for an instant a dozen long-forgotten pictures lanced themselves poignantly into his brain, dingy, uncontrovertible old recitation rooms where young ideas flashed bright and futile as parade swords, elm-shaded slopes where lithe young bodies lolled on green velvet grasses to expound their harshest cynicisms!

Henry sat holding the sheet and looking through the wall of the room in Buckland's hotel across twenty years, down an elm-shaded path in the little town of Baldwin, Kansas thousands of miles and seemingly thousands of years away! "Well," he sighed. "In the note here she's got her he's badly mixed. But we know what she means.

She heard it from her grandmother, who told it about her own mother; and it began and ended right here in our village of Hillsboro, Vermont, in 1762. Probably you think at once of the particular New England old town you know, and imagine Hillsboro of that date as an elm-shaded, well-kept street, with big, white, green-shuttered houses, full of shining mahogany furniture and quaint old silver.