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It was during the hour for the forenoon recitation, and the elm-shaded campus was entirely free of students. As Clarian walked along, his eyes bent down, I heard him murmuring that delicious verse of George Herbert's, "Sweet day! so cool, so calm, so bright, The bridal of the earth and sky! The dew shall weep thy fall to-night, For thou must die!" "'For thou must die, so sad!

"This is more attractive than the meetinghouse," said the young doctor. "This is one of the most attractive houses I ever saw." He looked at it earnestly, and as they drove along the elm-shaded street, he turned in his seat to look at it again. It certainly was an attractive house.

The richest note of color in her face was the rose of her lips, clearly outlined and smoothly pink. She had "thrown back" to her New England forbears. On the elm-shaded streets of Vermont villages one often sees such girls, fragile, finely feminine, with no noticeable points except a delicate grace and serenely honest eyes.

Further on they rattled through the quiet streets of East Tottingham, a typical New England village built around a square, elm-shaded common. It was all as Ed had described it; the white church with its tall spire lost behind the high branches, the Town Hall guarded by an ancient black cannon, the white houses, the green blinds, the lilac hedges, the toppling hitching-post before each gate.

"Help me to have a good time doing every-day things, and to make my work my pleasure." AUNT BARBARA and Betty had finished their breakfast in the cool breakfast-room, or little dining-room as it was sometimes called by the family. This looked out on the short elm-shaded grass of the side yard, but it was apt to get too warm later in the day.