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Updated: August 1, 2024

But Elfie's sunny temper did not forsake her; and if, in the privacy of her own room, home-sickness and loneliness got the better of her at times, she always preserved a cheerful front in public, and earnestly strove, not only to do her duty, but to be happy in doing it, and to make those around her happy too.

Holding Elfie's hand tightly in his own, he said huskily and with emphasis: 'You won't forget me? I shall see you again; and meanwhile, believe I mean it! That was all that was said, but the two understood each other, and Elfie leant back in her seat, as the train steamed out of the station, with joy throbbing through her heart.

It was broken by Elfie's return from the garden with the girls; and without a word Clare crept softly away up to her own room, and Miss Villars left without seeing her again. But up in her room Clare was kneeling by her bedside in a passion of tears. 'O God, help me, help me! I want to be right with Thee, I want this rest of soul; give it to me.

Don't you remember the parable of the ten talents, Mr. Carleton?" Mr. Carleton was silent for a minute. "I do not know the Bible quite as well as you do, Elfie," he said then, "nor as I ought to do." Elfie's only answer was by a look somewhat like that he well remembered on shipboard he had thought was angel-like, a look of gentle sorrowful wistfulness which she did not venture to put into words.

No one could remember any such promise, and the curtains of crimson moreen did not answer Elfie's description; but she would not be denied, and actually put all her possessions into the room. Janet, without a word, quietly turned them out into the passage, and Elfie flew into one of those furious kicking and screaming passions which always ended in her being sent to bed.

You will need all your faith and prayer now, and so will the others. Good-night. She turned her face away, and with a kiss and an unspoken prayer, Agatha left her. Elfie's Choice 'Go, whate'er the lot may be That my Father sends to me, Never am I comfortless With His Word to aid and bless; And while He His help is bringing, I will cheer the way with singing. Farningham.

Clare had come through the refining fire, softened and purified; she was a little quieter than she used to be, but every now and then her old, clear laugh would ring out, and if her moods were not so mirthful as Elfie's, they were quite as bright.

I know I'm not half good enough for her; but if she'll only listen to me, I feel as if life will be too good to live. And for the next half-hour Agatha listened to a flow of eloquence on Elfie's perfections, which amused and yet touched her, for it showed her how deeply devoted the young man was in his love. Major Lester was not long in leaving the Hall.

Upon this correspondence the Wakeham family came chiefly to depend for enlightenment as to the young lady's activities and state of health, and it came to be recognised as part of Larry's duty throughout the summer to carry a weekly bulletin regarding Elfie's health and manners to the Lake Shore summer home, where the Wakehams sought relief from the prostrating heat of the great city.

The shrill little voice broke the death-like stillness of the place and hour, calling to me again and again to take her to the boat. I turned to Mrs. Van Brandt. The stratagem had succeeded. Elfie's mother could hardly refuse to follow when Elfie led the way. "Will you go with us?" I asked. "Or must I send the money back by the child?"

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