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The village of Pine appeared to nestle in a curve of the edge of the great forest, and the cabins looked like tiny white dots set in green. "Look there," said Dale, pointing. Some miles to the right a gray escarpment of rock cropped out of the slope, forming a promontory; and from it a thin, pale column of smoke curled upward to be lost from sight as soon as it had no background of green.

I tried the same plan with the remaining letters; but it wouldn't work, and I fancied that perhaps the placing of dots after the three last letters might indicate some difference of procedure. There, of course, was my word atrio. The next step was to copy out the remaining letters of the inscription, omitting those I had already used.

One day in the spring his tramp mother, too shiftless to build a home for herself, had come peeping and spying about the fuzzy nest of some yellow warblers that had built in an elder-bush by the river; and finding the birds away, had laid a big white egg speckled with brown in the midst of four dainty pale-blue ones that were wreathed with tiny dots.

Churches and missions establish reading rooms, until at last the public library system dots the city with branch reading rooms and libraries.

Angling junipers stuck out from the walls in occasional dots of green. "That ole white-face sure looks hostile," Cheyenne remarked. "Git along, you ole Mormon; curl your tail and drift." Cheyenne heaved a stone which took the bull fairly between the eyes. The bull shook his head and snapped his tail, but did not move. The cattle behind the bull stared blandly at the invaders of their domain.

"I weel tak' one look," said the trapper, beginning to walk quickly towards the head of the trail. Stane went with him and indicated the direction. "There, where the shore sweeps inward! Do you see, Jean?" "Oui, m'sieu." With bent brows the trapper stared at the blur of dots on the white surface, and after a couple of seconds began to count softly to himself.

The large black beetle, with coppery dots, makes short work with the Colorado potato beetles; and a bright green beetle will climb trees to get a meal of canker worms. Ichneumon flies are among our most useful insects. The much-abused dragon flies are perfectly harmless to us, but destroy many mosquitoes and flies.

Up they went, singly or in pairs, gyrating playfully, always climbing, and swooping higher, higher, until to the naked eye they became mere dots in the clear sky. By this time it was noticeable that they had somehow divided into two squads or escadrilles; and at a signal from Commander Byers down below they began maneuvering like two hostile squadrons about to engage in aerial battle.

Rushing to the window, the mother scanned for an instant the road on the hill. She crouched back with a groan. "It's them, sure as the world! It's them!" She waved her hands in despairing gestures. The black dots vanished into the wood. The girl at the window was quivering and her eyes were shining like water when the sun flashes. "Hush! They're in the woods! They'll be here directly."

The fire slackened. The attack had ebbed away; our fellows were holding their ground. A few, very few, little dots had run back over that green patch the others had passed down into the world of darkness. A signaller was flag-wagging from a peak about the left centre of our line: "The boys will never forget the Queen Elizabeth's help" was what he said. Jack Churchill was right.