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Updated: August 29, 2024

On 26th November he heard Mass for the last time in S. Maria del Fiore, and on the 28th he departed si partì el Re di Firenze dopo desinare, e andò albergo alla Certosa e tutta sua gente gli andò dietro e innanzi, che poche ce ne rimase, says Landucci thankfully.

One curious circumstance is given. At Pino, when Boswell fancying himself 'in a publick house' or inn, had called for things, the hostess had said una cosa dopo un altra, signore, 'one thing after another, sir. This has lingered as a memento of Bozzy in Corsica, and has been found by Dr Hill to be preserved among the traditions in the Tomasi family.

"Dopo condottosi Tiziano a Vicenza, dipinse a fresco sotto la loggetta ... il giudizio di Salamone. Appresso tomato a Venezia, dipinse la facciata de' Grimani; e in Padoa nella chiesa di Sant' Antonio alcune storie ... de fatti di quel santo: e in quella di Santo Spirito fece ... un San Marco a sedere in mezzo a certi Santi." These examples prove how inexact Vasari is here once more.

E per mancargli le vettovaglie, dopo molti mesi giunto navigando, assegna essergli stato forza tornare da quello in questo emisperio; e in sette mesi suto in viaggio mostrare grandissimo ed accelerato cammino, aver fatto cosa miranda e massima a chi intende la marinera del mondo. Donde addusse garofani molto piu eccellenti delli soliti; e le altro sue navi in 5 anui mai nuova ci e trapelata.

"Molte volte lo trovavo a dormicchiare dopo desinare con quel suo Lorenzino, che poi l'ammazzò, e non altri; ed io molto mi maravigliavo che un duca di quella sorte così si fidava ... il duca' che lo teneva quando per pazzericcio, e quando per poltrone." Cf. again, cap. 89. This glimpse of Bembo in his Paduan villa is very pleasing. Lib. i. cap. 94. "Quei diavoli di quei gentiluomini tedeschi."

Still I am learning. Titian, also, was an indefatigable worker. His celebrated "Pietro Martire" was eight years in hand, and his "Last Supper" seven. In his letter to Charles V. he said, "I send your Majesty the 'Last Supper' after working at it almost daily for seven years dopo sette anni lavorandovi quasi continuamente."

"At all events, you have done what is right so do not reproach yourself," said Basile. "Every body I mean every body who is good for any thing must respect, admire, and love you, Victoire." "Ne mal cio che v'annoja, Quello e vero gioire Che nasce da virtude dopo il soffrire."

Dio! che non vorrei vivere dopo averla veduta? who would not wish to live after seeing her?" The peculiar accent with which he pronounced the words made Ginevra quiver. "Are you Corsican?" she cried, returning toward him with a beating heart. "I was born in Corsica," he replied; "but I was brought, while very young, to Genoa, and as soon as I was old enough for military service I enlisted."

"At all events, you have done what is right so do not reproach yourself," said Basile. "Everybody I mean everybody who is good for anything must respect, admire, and love you, Victoire." "Ne mal cio che v'annoja, Quello e vero gioire Che nasce da virtude dopo il soffrire."

We had given advice, and were preparing to go, when another candidate comes forward, and, with suitable gesticulation, so placed his hands that we could not help saying, "Liver, eh?" "Eccelenza, si!" "Dopo una febbre?" "Illustrissimo, si!"

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