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If these be the men who move empires and make history, how doubly ignoble are we in our contempt of them. And then she bethought her what a different faculty was that great faith that these men had in themselves from common vanity; and in this way she was led again to compare Donogan and Walpole.

'So then you don't like Donogan? said he hurriedly. 'Like whom? And you call him Donogan! 'The mischief is out, said he. 'Not that I wanted to have secrets from you; but all the same, I am a precious bungler. His name is Donogan, and what's more, it's Daniel Donogan.

All these swayed her; and after a long interval, in which she heard him without a word, she said, in a low murmur to herself, 'I will do it. Donogan clasped her to his heart as she said it, and held her some seconds in a fast embrace. 'At last I know what it is to love, cried he, with rapture. 'Look there! cried she, suddenly disengaging herself from his arm.

'I said more or less of one, Mr. Atlee, since there are some who have not the courage of their opinions. 'I hope you are gratified by the emendation, whispered Dick; and then added aloud, 'Donogan is not one of these. 'He's a consummate fool, cried Curtis bluntly. 'He thinks the attack of a police-barrack or the capture of a few firelocks will revolutionise Ireland.

'I saw the constabulary going in force there this afternoon. 'They were in pursuit of the celebrated Dan Donogan, said Father Luke. 'They say he was seen at Moate. 'They say more than that, said Miss Betty. 'They say that he is stopping at Kilgobbin Castle! 'I suppose to conduct young Kearney's election, said Miller, laughing. 'And why should they hunt him down? asked Gorman.

Whichever way the matter went, Donogan was evidently in great danger; for this was one of the places he regarded as perfectly safe. 'What was to be done? I dared not ask advice on any side. To reveal the suspicions which were tormenting me required that I should produce this pocket-book, and to whom could I impart this man's secret?

And so to return to my narrative, I learned, as accurately as a gentleman so much in love could condescend to inform me, of all the steps taken to secure Donogan at this meeting, or to capture him later on if he should try to make his escape by sea. 'You mean, then, to write to Donogan and apprise him of his danger? 'It is done. I wrote the moment I got back here. I addressed him as Mr.

'I want to be told, after all, did they write the letter to say Donogan was to be let escape? 'Would it have been a great crime, uncle? said Nina artlessly. 'I'm not going into that. I'm only asking what the people over us say is the best way to govern us. I'd like to know, once for all, what was wrong and what was right in Ireland.

We do not sit tamely by when all these are threatened with overthrow; but there are countries where there are fewer of these traditions, and men like Donogan find their place there. While they debated such points as these within-doors, Dick Kearney and Atlee sat on the steps of the hall door and smoked their cigars.

For a second or two she made no answer, and then, faltering at each word, she said, 'What if some rebel leader this man Donogan, for instance drawn towards you b some secret magic of trustfulness, moved by I know not what need of your sympathy for there is such a craving void now and then felt in the heart should tell you some secret thought of his nature something that he could utter alone to himself would you bring yourself to use it against him?