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Updated: August 24, 2024

His straight stiff hair was shorn in rather odd and rather ugly lines along his forehead and temples, and of his clothes the kindest thing to say was that they were unobtrusive. Franklin had once said of himself, with comic dispassionateness, that he looked like a cheap cigar, and the comparison was apt.

These two had been keeping so perfectly still that the movement was as startling as if a statue had changed its pose. After looking at the offender with cold malevolence, Shaw went on to speak of law-courts, of trials, and of the liberty of the subject; then he pointed out the certitude and the inconvenience of being found out, affecting for the moment the dispassionateness of wisdom.

"I shouldn't mind about the soot myself," said the baronet, with that dispassionateness which belongs to the potential mood. "Nothing is more healthy. And if one's business lay there, Gadsmere would be a paradise. It makes quite a feature in Scrogg's history of the county, with the little tower and the fine piece of water the prettiest print in the book."

Patience, joy, prosperity, satisfaction, brightness of all faculties, happiness, purity, health, contentment, faith, liberality, compassion, forgiveness, firmness, benevolence, equanimity, truth, acquittance of obligations, mildness, modesty, calmness, external purity, simplicity, observance of obligatory practices, dispassionateness, fearlessness of heart, disregard for the appearance or otherwise of good and evil as also for past acts, appropriation of objects only when obtained by gift, the absence of cupidity, regard for the interests of others, compassion for all creatures, these have been said to be the qualities that attach to the attribute of Sattwa.

I have lived without forethought or arrière pensée without the weakness of regrets or the stinginess of precautions, and then he turned to me his eyes were half shut and his voice was muffled as if a flood were battering on the door of his dispassionateness, 'I have had everything in life except you, he said. I smiled at him, a little sadly, a little cynically.

By the very nature of their occupation booksellers are broad-minded; their association with every class of humanity and their constant companionship with books give them a liberality that enables them to view with singular clearness and dispassionateness every phase of life and every dispensation of Providence.

For the sullen steadiness, dispassionateness, detachment with which it was said made it more real than it had been at the water's edge. "But but you see it's such a lovely day. You know you know it's such a beautiful place," was what the resourceful Miss Jones found herself stammering. "Yes," agreed her companion, "pleasant weather, isn't it?" She looked at Katie contemptuously.

"I will not discuss that point any further," he said. She looked at him with an odd dispassionateness. She still seemed to be searching the distant past. "You never liked her," she said at last slowly. "And she was horribly afraid of you afraid of you!" A sudden tremor of awakening life ran through the words. The stunned look began to pass. Again the horror looked out of her eyes.

'And you never said a word to me, replied Elfride, not reproachfully either in tone or thought. Indeed, her feeling was the very reverse of reproachful. She felt relieved and even thankful. Where confidence had not been given, how could confidence be expected? Her father mistook her dispassionateness for a veil of politeness over a sense of ill-usage. 'I am not altogether to blame, he said.

'And therefore we won't do nothing at all, said Latimer, with complete dispassionateness. 'For my part, I'd sooner be them than we. The clitches of my arms are burning like fire from the cords those two strapping women tied round 'em. My opinion is, now I have had time to think o't, that you may serve your Gover'ment at too high a price.

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