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There they dismounted and spread out in a semi-circular order, advancing on the grove. As they did so, shots rang out from behind the trees. Del Mar's men, from the shelter were firing at them. But it seemed hopeless for the fugitives. "Ready!" ordered Del Mar as the cavalrymen advanced, relentless. Each of his men picked up one of the big black gas bombs and held it high up over his head.

I turned my head towards the scene of our late encounter. Some dismounted guns and broken wagons alone marked the spot; while far in the distance, the dust of the retreating columns showed the beaten enemy as they hurried towards the frontiers of Spain. There are few sadder things in life than the day after a battle.

At that point it was merely a parapet of crumbling yellow rock. No doubt she had lain concealed under the shelving wall and had not had time to get away before the hounds were right upon her. "She's going to jump," yelled Jones, in my rear, as he dismounted.

For this purpose she solemnly dismounted from her donkey to be closely examined on the pavement, turned about, shook forth her pea-green skirt, took off her chain for more minute inspection, and measured the silken fringes of her shawl in order to compare them with other shawls which were hastily brought out from a house near-by.

Then, observing that the gentle Anthony had dismounted, and was leaning gracefully against his destrier, the Burgundian called forth, "Sir Knight, thou hast conquered the steed, not the rider. We are now foot to foot. The pole-axe, or the sword, which? Speak!" "I pray thee, noble sieur," quoth the Woodville, mildly, "to let the strife close for this day, and when rest bath "

When we were within a quarter of a mile of them, that being as near as we thought it safe to ride, we dismounted, and leaving two men in charge of our horses, the other three of us started to crawl down to their camp, at least near enough to find out about their number.

Also, the others came to a stop. With the men dismounted, he swept eyes over the scene. But he saw nothing that appeared to warrant pause. The place was dead and desolate, barren of all that which had invariably met his gaze when pausing with his mistress.

I felt proud of him, as the hero of my boyhood, looking at him there, on his great black charger, square and steadfast as the keep of a castle. His servant spoke to him as he dismounted. I saw his features soften and brighten in an instant; in five seconds he was in the room, and the light was on his face still I like to think of it the light of a frank, cordial welcome, as he griped my hand.

And pointing out to me at some distance a scarcely perceptible white streak in the snow "There she is!" Immediately he galloped up to it; I followed in a couple of minutes; we had dismounted, and were examining the track of the Black Pest. "I should like to know," cried Sperver, "how that track came here?" "Don't let that trouble you," I replied.

Teodoro dismounted and unbound him, a favour which he acknowledged in very courteous terms; and Teodoro, to make it the greater, begged Calvete to lend the gentle youth his cloak, until he could buy him another at the first town they came to.