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Updated: August 7, 2024

German doctors, German veterinary surgeons, German Feldschers, German foresters, German engineers, were to be found in every part of the Empire. A casual reading of the Post Office directories of Moscow, or Petersburg, or Kiev, provides a most instructive commentary on the extent of the German domination.

Orford Castle, which some guide-books and directories will insist on confusing with Oxford Castle and stating that it was built by Robert D'Oiley in 1072, was erected by Henry II to defend the country against the incursions of the Flemings and to safeguard Orford Haven.

"Yes." "I didn't know what that was. I thought it was a dictionary." The clerk shrieked with merriment. "The dictionary! Well, say, where have you been raised?" "On the range." "You mean cowboy?" "Yes; we don't need directories out there. Does that book tell where everybody lives?" "Well no, but most everybody shows up in it somewhere," replied the clerk quite soberly.

Funny thing that. In his phone message that morning, Mr. Cleek had said he would be at the court sharp at one, and it was half-past two now. Well, he was sorry the guv'nor hadn't turned up in time. He'd be disappointed, no doubt, and after all the telephoning and hunting up of directories that he himself had done personally that very morning, Mr.

Morton jerked his head towards the directories in the bookshelf. "Find him there," he said. "I'll give you an introduction if you want it. Though, mind you, I think he talks as much rot as anyone " "What does he say?" "Lord! I don't know. Some theory or other. But, at any rate, he's given it up." Laurie pursed his lips. "I daresay I'll ask you some time," he said. "Meanwhile "

His little work on the "Construction of Library Catalogues" is a truly valuable contribution to letters, rendering, as it does, the work of classification more easy, and increasing the chances of our getting good general directories to the books already in our libraries, without which the number of volumes we gather is only an increase of incumbrance.

Complaints from the victims of this infamous swindle, became so numerous, that the police authorities seized the premises of Clark, Webster & Co., and all their books and papers. These last comprised six truck loads, and contained printed or written directories of every city and town in the Union. No such persons as Clark, Webster & Co., could be found.

They seek proud lodgings. As to apartment houses, which are a very different matter: the newspapers publish at various seasons of the year copious Apartment-House Directories, with innumerable half-tone illustrations of these more or less sumptious places. And these directories are competent commentaries on their subject.

There were Findlay's five directories of the world all broken-backed, as is usual with Findlay, and all marked and scribbled over with corrections and additions several books of navigations, a signal-code, and an Admiralty book of a sort of orange hue, called "Islands of the Eastern Pacific Ocean," vol. iii., which appeared from its imprint to be the latest authority, and showed marks of frequent consultation in the passages about the French Frigate Shoals, the Harman, Cure, Pearl, and Hermes Reefs, Lisiansky Island, Ocean Island, and the place where we then lay Brooks or Midway.

"If the public would only attend," observed Mr Bright, in commenting on these facts, "to the regulations laid down for their guidance by the Post-Office as detailed in our Directories and Postal Guides such errors would seldom occur, for I believe that things of this sort are the result of ignorance rather than dishonesty." "Now, ma'am," he continued, "we come to the blind officers."

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