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But we'll make it this time. It's clearing up nicely and we're only forty miles from Portsmouth. Keep your lips stiff, fellows, and we'll be eating breakfast ashore!" The dingey pulled off again, narrowly escaping capsizing more than once, and ten minutes afterwards the Catspaw was once more wallowing along in the wake of the cruisers.

"Let's get on board, Ben," answered Kendric. "I'll tell you there." So they stepped into the dingey and pushed off and rowed back to the Half Moon. "There's a gent here says he's a frien' of your'n, Cap," said Ben. "Ah dunno. Anyhows, he's been here all day an' we're watchin' he don't make no mischief."

So the Doctor and Olive went ashore, where the sharpie was tied to the end of what had once been a small wharf, while Dodo, Nat, and Rap crouched down in the dingey, obeying Olaf's order to keep very still and not make the boat tip. The little reed-bordered creek that they entered was quite narrow, and soon grew to be only a thread of water, where they could touch the reeds on both sides.

Under his breath, however, he anathematized a woman who could so easily lead a man into trouble, only to make merry over his discomfiture. The day which had begun in Sabbath stillness, so far as wind and weather were concerned, was destined to end in a far different manner. The dingey had scarcely reached the drifting vessel when the wind began to freshen into a decided blow.

"Sometimes I think there is such things as what old Parson Danvers used to call 'dispensations. This was one of 'em. There was a feller in a uniform cap steering the dingey, and, b'lieve it or not, I'll be everlastingly keelhauled if he didn't turn out to be Ben Henry, who was second mate with me on the old Seafoam. He was surprised enough to see me, and glad, too, but he looked sort of worried.

She trembled, and yet flushed with an inspiration. It was not too late yet why not warn them NOW? But how? A message sent by Saucelito and the steamboat to San Francisco the usual way would not reach them tonight. To go herself, rowing directly across in the dingey, would be the only security of success. If she could do it? It was a long pull the sea was getting up but she would try.

"It's all fine and dandy to say that this old tub can't sink," he confided to Wink Wheeler, "but um suppose she did sink? Then that little old dingey would be worth about a thousand dollars, I guess." "It would be worth about ten cents," answered Wink pessimistically, "after we'd crowded five fellows into her in a sea like this!" "Well, anyway, she's bigger than ours," said Joe.

In the evening we sailed a few miles further up, and then pitched the tents for the night. By the middle of the next day the yawl was aground, and from the shoalness of the water could not proceed any higher. The water being found partly fresh, Mr. Chaffers took the dingey and went up two or three miles further, where she also grounded, but in a fresh-water river.

With a nod, he entered, threw himself down on the cabin sofa, and asked for a match. After a pause, he said: "Marmion, Boyd Madras, alias Charles Boyd, has recognised me." I rose to get a cigar, thus turning my face from him, and said: "Well?" "Well, there isn't anything very startling. I suppose he wishes I had left him in the dingey on No Man's Sea. He's a fool." "Indeed, why?"

There, working precariously in the water while Joe held him from the boat and Han did his best to keep the dingey steady, Steve eventually got the big cable around the rock, protecting it from the rough edges by a blanket from one of the berths.