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The serjeant begged that he might not be detained from the captain; and that, if Amelia pleased to go home, he would wait upon her. But she did not chuse to see Mrs. Ellison at this time; and, after a little consideration, she resolved to stay where she was; and Mrs. Atkinson agreed to go and fetch her children to her, it being not many doors distant.

Morris, as she and Isabel reentered their cottage, "wasn't it sweet of them all, that 'laying on of hands, as Arthur called it?" "Yes," replied the Southern girl, starting up the cramped old New England stairway to her room. "It was child's play, but it was very sweet of them, and especially of the General." The mother detained her fondly. "And still, my child, you're not satisfied?"

"See there!" and I pointed to a mark on the grass, which my quick eye had detected as that made by a single wheel. The lieutenant, however, could not see it, and thought that my fancy was deceiving me. Had we not been detained by the baggage mules, we should, I was sure, have quickly overtaken the runaways.

Briggs as brief as possible, he alighted at her gate, and knocked impatiently at her door. He found her pretty sick, while both her children needed a prescription, and so long a time was he detained that his heart misgave him on his homeward route, lest Maddy should be gone, and with her the chance to remedy the wrong he might have done her.

"And wherefore, and how long," said Count Robert, "dost thou conclude that my Countess is detained in these gardens?" "Ever since yesterday," replied Hereward.

"Ah, madame, what indeed? Can you form any idea? We hoped you might have been able to enlighten us." "I cannot, monsieur, not in the least." "Perchance you sent her on to your hotel to warn your friends that you were detained? To fetch them, perhaps, to you in your trouble?" The trap was neatly contrived, but she was not deceived. "How could I? I knew of no trouble when I saw her last."

Fortunately at that moment the lady of the house returned, and the maid scampered off to open the door to her. Soon she returned and dropped Fan a mocking curtsey. "Please follow me this way," she said. "Miss Starbrow regrets that she has been detained so long, and is now quite ready to receive you."

The dissauva having thus gotten two boats and eighteen men, his next care was to gain the ship; and to that end, telling the captain that he and his men were only detained because the king intended to send letters and a present to the English nation by him, desired he would send some men on board his ship to order her to stay; and because the ship was in danger of being fired by the Dutch if she stayed long in the bay, to bring her up the river.

As things then were, the Russian Navy was divided, part being in Cronstadt, and a large fraction, twelve ships-of-the-line, in Revel, an advanced and exposed port, where it was detained fettered by the winter's ice. Get at that and smite it, and the Russian Navy is disabled; all falls together. This would be his own course, if independent.

Had he followed the advice of his visitors he might have discovered Mexico, and even the Southern Ocean might have been disclosed to him. He was encouraged to persist in the course he had designed by hearing from an old man, whom he had detained as pilot, that there were many places farther on abounding in gold.