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p. 148 what the Devil made me a ship-board? cf. Geronte's reiterated complaint 'Que diable allait-il faire dans cette galere? Les Fourberies de Scapin , ii, VII; and the phrase in Cyrano de Bergerac's Le Pedant Joue : 'Ha! que diable, que diable aller faire en cette galere?... Aller sans dessein dans une galere!... Dans la galere d'un Turc! Act ii, IV. In France this phrase is proverbial.

For my own part, being but a poor swordsman, and no way a match for Monsieur Dessein, I felt the rotation of all the movements within me, to which the situation is incident; I looked at Monsieur Dessein through and through eyed him as he walk'd along in profile, then, en face; thought like a Jew, then a Turk, disliked his wig, cursed him by my gods, wished him at the devil.

"Parmi les Théologiens de la Confession d'Ausbourg, j'ai toujours mis, au premier rang, M. l'Abbé de Lokkum, comme un homme, dont le sçavoir, la candeur, et la modération le rendolent un des plus capables, que je connusse, pour avancer CE BEAU DESSEIN. Cela est si véritable, que j'ai cru devoir assurer ce docte Abbé, dans la réponse que je luis fis, il y a dej

The work must be done in a frame and carried out with a blunt-pointed needle. The same thread is used for the netted ground and for the darned pattern. A method of work that the French call dessein réservé is, in result, rather similar to this, but it is worked in just the reverse way.

Madame Dessein, a grand-niece or nearly-related descendant of le grand Dessein, still directs at Quillacq's a pleasing old lady.

Monsieur Dessein came back to let us out of the chaise, and acquaint the lady, the count de L-, her brother, was just arrived at the hotel. Though I had infinite good will for the lady, I cannot say that I rejoiced in my heart at the event and could not help telling her so; for it is fatal to a proposal, Madame, said I, that I was going to make to you

He is well acquainted with my MS., and I just copied into the middle of the blank sheet the words: " ... Un dessein si funeste, S'il n'est digne d'Atrée, este digne de Thyeste. They are to be found in Crébillon's Atrée." Dr.

Pendant longtemps il se rendit si redoutable que le soudan le craignois et n'osoit l'irriter. Mais le soudan voulut le détruire, et dans ce dessein, il s'entendit avec le karman, qui pouvoit mieux que personne tromper Ramedang, puisqu'il lui avoit donné sa soeur en mariage.

'HÔTEL DESSEIN. L. Dessein, the proprietor, has the honour to inform his numerous patrons, and travellers in general, that after the 1st of January his establishment will be transferred to the Hôtel Quillacq, which has been entirely done up, and will take the name of HÔTEL DESSEIN. The premises of the old Hôtel Dessein having been purchased by the town of Calais, it ceases to be an Hôtel for Travellers.

I suppose the snuff was very pungent, for, with a great start, I woke up; and now perceived that I must have been dreaming altogether. "Dessein's" of now-a-days is not the "Dessein's" which Mr. Sterne, and Mr. Brummell, and I recollect in the good old times. The town of Calais has bought the old hotel, and "Dessein" has gone over to "Quillacq's." And I was there yesterday.