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Updated: August 25, 2024

These were consumed by the flames, which spread so rapidly as to fill him with fear that he had destroyed, not only their dwellings, but his whole principality. His experiment brought the men back to their duty; but so despondingly was their work done that but for some signal succor the end, it was manifest, must soon come.

The young American mused a moment, and then rejoined, despondingly; "Were these men at my disposal, Maria, how gladly would I hasten to encounter every difficulty, the removal of which would spare your gentle bosom those pangs; but you know Headley would never permit it.

I don't call your coming to take me to the church visits. I suppose I may as well give you up. It is as difficult to get you here as if you were the Grand Lama of Thibet. "Amidst all my stupidities I have two or three ideas which may be useful in our music, if I can only put them in practice. Bear with me, and deal gently with "Yours, despondingly,

"You," said he, "are particularly dear to me, and I should rather give to you the blessing of death than to any other human being. I love you, Atam-or, and I long to kill you at this moment." "You had better not try it," said I, grimly. He shook his head despondingly. "Oh no," said he; "it is against the law. I must not do it till the time comes." "Do you kill many?" I asked.

Seated by the little grave, which was the shrine at which she poured out her daily petitions, Clemence thought despondingly of the past, and how little there seemed for her in the future, to which every one around her looked forward with such eager anticipation. The dreary waste stretched out unsmiling, and inexpressibly desolate. The path of duty seemed straight and thorny.

The doctor took the outstretched hand. "May I help you further?" he asked. "I don't see well how you can, but I will take the will for the deed." "But you do not forbid me to try?" Philip shook his head despondingly. "You may try, certainly. Matters cannot be worse than they are; only you will waste valuable time." "Let me be judge of that. May I come to see you?"

"Eugene may be found guiltless, and in that joy we may forget all the past." Walter shook his head despondingly. "Your heart, Ellinor, was always kind to me. You now are the only one to do me justice, and to see how utterly reproachless I am for all the misery the crime of another occasions. But my uncle him, too, I have not seen for some time: is he well?"

The stock of provisions was small; and the population had been swollen to seven or eight times the ordinary number by a multitude of colonists flying from the rage of the natives, Lundy, therefore, from the time when the Irish army entered Ulster, seems to have given up all thought of serious resistance, He talked so despondingly that the citizens and his own soldiers murmured against him.

"And you have discovered your error," interrupted she. "Alas! it were better to have followed the illusion. A faith once shaken leaves an unsettled spirit, and with such there is little energy." "And less of hope," said I, despondingly. "Not so, if there be youth. Come, you must tell me your story.

"Mamma! mamma! you must not speak so! It is the worst thing people can do to think despondingly of themselves. Aunt Geoffrey, do tell her so!" "Despondingly! my child; you little know what the thought is to me!" The words were almost whispered, and Henrietta scarcely marked them. "No, no, you must not!

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