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The Dominican friar in his black habit, and the Franciscan in his gray, became the ablest and most effective preachers of the thirteenth century. The Dominicans confined their teachings to the upper classes, and became their favorite confessors. They were the most learned men of the thirteenth century, and also the most reproachless in morals.

Certainly no equal to him, in England, has since appeared, in those things which give permanent fame. The man who has most nearly approached him is Gladstone. If the character of our own Webster had been as reproachless as his intellect was luminous and comprehensive, he might be named in the same category of illustrious men.

"Eugene may be found guiltless, and in that joy we may forget all the past." Walter shook his head despondingly. "Your heart, Ellinor, was always kind to me. You now are the only one to do me justice, and to see how utterly reproachless I am for all the misery the crime of another occasions. But my uncle him, too, I have not seen for some time: is he well?"

As a point of mere historical interest, the dark ages that preceded the coming of the Messiah furnish reproachless models of chivalry, courage, and magnanimity, and also the foundation of many of those institutions that cannot be traced to the laws of Moses.

I have been speaking of public architecture only. The domestic article in New Orleans is reproachless, notwithstanding it remains as it always was. All the dwellings are of wood in the American part of the town, I mean and all have a comfortable look.

Travel upon the continent with friends, occasional visits to the old family house in England, long sojourns in this or the other city such had been her life, quiet, sweet, reproachless and unreproaching.

Private considerations had no weight with him, except his aspiration for the presidency, and even that seems to have passed away when his disagreement with Jackson put him out of the Democratic race, and when the new crisis arose in Southern interests, to which he ever after devoted himself with entire self-abnegation. In moral character Calhoun was as reproachless as Washington.

The distinction between "good" and "bad," ordered early and summarily out of both their lives, had been reinstated in another form. Gloria insisted that any one invited to the gray house must be "good," which, in the case of a girl, meant that she must be either simple and reproachless or, if otherwise, must possess a certain solidity and strength.

He soon distinguished himself for his feats in horsemanship and skill in hunting wild animals, winning universal admiration, and disarming envy by his tact, amiability, and generosity, which were as marked as his intellectual brilliancy, being altogether a model of reproachless chivalry.

She arrived at this astonishing conclusion by the following process of thought. It may be presented in the form of a syllogism. All girls who are in love regard the beloved as a spotless, reproachless hero. Maggie Deronnais did not regard Laurie Baxter as a spotless, reproachless hero. Ergo. Maggie Deronnais was not in love with Laurie Baxter.