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Updated: August 6, 2024

I am thinking they got some word oat o' the island what was intended I sought every glen and clench, as if I had been deer-stalking, but teil a want of his coat-tail could I see Cot tam!"

He supervised the youngster's manners like a mother, and Gougou learned to go down to the washing-place and use soap when the signs were strong for bear-dens and deer-stalking. "I saw a bear come out on the beach once," Brown would tell him, "when I was stalking for deer and had a doe and fawn in the lake. I smelt him, but couldn't get him to turn his eyes towards me.

But no: watering-places were so intolerably dull; besides, he had been invited by one of his friends to spend a month or two in Scotland for the better recreation of grouse-shooting and deer-stalking, and had promise to go. ‘Then you will leave me again, Arthur?’ said I.

Jacob took a large piece on his own shoulders, and Edward carried another, and Smoker, after regaling himself with a portion of the inside of the animal, came after them. During the walk home Jacob initiated Edward into the terms of venery and many other points connected with deer-stalking, with which we shall not trouble our readers.

"You know I should never have gone deer-stalking but for you. I made sure I was going to make a fool of myself " "I remember you were rather sensitive, or anxious not to miss, perhaps," she said, in a very gentle way. "I thought of it again last night, when I saw you so completely master in your own sphere so much at home with everything at your command "

It will be remembered that we left him labouring under severe disappointment at the idea of having to spend a year, it might be many years, at the depot, and being condemned to the desk, instead of realising his fond dreams of bear-hunting and deer-stalking in the woods and prairies. It was now the autumn of Harry's second year at York Fort.

Olivia Green was not her daughter, or even her niece. "So you are going to Killancodlem?" Mrs. Houghton said to him that afternoon. "She has asked me," said Lord Giblet. "It's simply the most comfortable house in all Scotland, and they tell me some of the best deer-stalking. Everybody likes to get to Killancodlem. Don't you love old Mrs. Jones?" "Charming old woman!" "And such a friend!

On another day she was able to join in the deer-stalking, scrambling for hours in the wake of the hunters, among the rocks and heather, when she was not "allowed," as she described it, to speak above a whisper, in case she should spoil the sport.

The sportsman's instinct which, in my robust youth, had led me to crawl miles on my belly over wet heather in order to get a shot at a stag, I found, somewhat to my alarm, was urging me on this chase after Captain Vauvenarde. He was my quarry. I resented interference. Deer-stalking then, and man-stalking now, I wanted no petticoats in the party.

"But when, like him, a man must give up deer-stalking and at every movement makes a wry face and can scarcely repress a groan it might move a stone to pity! he ought to choose another motto. Persuade him to do so, Quijada, if you are really his friend." The smile with which the nobleman listened to this request plainly showed the futility of the demand.

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