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Ramiro recovered and sitting up, for to his feet he could not rise because of the sword strap, in his hand a thin, deadly-looking knife. "Habet!" he said with a short laugh, "habes, Weather-cock!" and he turned the knife against himself. But Martin was on him, and in five more seconds he lay trussed like a fowl in the bottom of the boat.

Then, clenching his brawny fists, he raised frowning eyes to a bayonet above the mantel, a long, deadly-looking thing that glittered with constant cleaning. "Ah, by God!" he growled fiercely, "by God, Mr. Vereker, sir there's them as I'd like t' have wrigglin' their beastly lives out on the end o' my old bagnet " "Hot water, Jarge!" commanded the buxom Mary from the stairs.

In addition to the weapons themselves, there was a cavity beneath the tray in which they rested, fitted up to contain exactly one hundred rounds of ammunition, and it was this deadly-looking, blunt-nosed bullets in brass cartridge-cases that had made the parcel so heavy. With his eyes snapping with gratification, Frobisher locked away the case in a drawer, and went out on deck to find Drake.

His first preference was for the latter course, but as he thought it over he felt it would be better to reserve his knowledge, and he turned to make for cover. But even as he did so he heard the manager say in low harsh tones: "Hands up now, or I fire!" and swinging round, he found himself gazing into the bore of a small deadly-looking repeating pistol.

"I seldom miss," said Jno. Peters. Billie shuddered. Then, reflecting that the longer she engaged this maniac in conversation, the more hope there was of Sam coming back in time to save her, she essayed further small-talk. "It's it's very ugly!" "Oh, no!" said Mr. Peters, hurt. Billie perceived that she had said the wrong thing. "Very deadly-looking, I meant," she corrected herself hastily.

To begin we left Calcutta on Friday afternoon and got to the Ganges about eight, when we embarked in a ferry-boat to cross the river. It was quite a big steamer, with dinner-tables laid out on deck, decorated for Christmas with palm-branches, Chinese lanterns, and large, deadly-looking iced cakes.

"It's it's very ugly!" "Oh, no!" said Mr. Peters, hurt. Billie perceived that she had said the wrong thing. "Very deadly-looking, I meant," she corrected herself hastily. "It may have deadly work to do, Miss Milliken," said Mr. Peters. Conversation languished again. Billie had no further remarks to make of immediate interest, and Mr.

The dingy room was transfigured by Toni's presence therein; and his long, white, carefully-manicured hands were absolutely unsteady as he opened his little cabinet and selected one or two tiny but deadly-looking instruments from the shining rows within.

But one of the most conclusive pieces of evidence as to the real quality of the men of the Mounted Police was given when, in those dark and deadly-looking days near the close of the war, the British Government let it be known that another cavalry unit from Canada would be acceptable.

From his belt dangled a few instruments and several personal weapons beautifully wrought, small almost miniatures yet deadly-looking for all that. He was bareheaded; black hair closely clipped. A face smooth-shaven. Thin, with a nose hawk-like, and black eyes and heavy brows. His mouth was thin-lipped, though smiling now, disclosing even, white teeth.