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With a rope six feet long he leads his horse, which trusts so implicitly to its master's guidance that we suspect the prevalence of blindness among the Japanese pack-horses arises from sheer lack of the exercise of their eyesight. These unkempt brutes are strangers to curry-combs and brushes, though a semi-monthly scrubbing in hot water keeps them tolerably clean.

It is necessary to wash or spray the fences, floors, walls, brushes and curry-combs with a disinfecting solution. Manure and other litter should be removed to a place where there is no danger from its distributing the infection. DISEASES OF POULTRY CAUSED BY MITES. Mites or acarina that cause diseases of poultry may live on the feathers, beneath the skin, and within the body of the fowl.

Then they got out the curry-combs goodness, how dusty it had been! And at last well, no one said anything, but they all stood expectant, half turned in the direction of the head man. "Well, I suppose we ought to go into the wood and look at the view," he said. They turned it over as they wandered aimlessly round the cart, looking furtively at the provisions.

I am afraid the men are few who have escaped a galled spot upon their consciences. Pride has had a terrible time of it in the world. It is, perhaps, the most sensitive spot in human nature. Collars, curry-combs, and cold water have alike served to torment it. A great multitude of men and women have been obliged to work in the collar of poverty, against a galled pride, during all their life.

Lounging out to see, he found Ben and Lita reposing side by side on the fresh straw in the loose box, which had been made for her in the coach-house. By the pails, sponges and curry-combs lying about, it was evident that she had been refreshed by a careful washing and rubbing down, and my lady was now luxuriously resting after her labors, with her devoted groom half asleep close by.

Then they got out the curry-combs goodness, how dusty it had been! And at last well, no one said anything, but they all stood expectant, half turned in the direction of the head man. "Well, I suppose we ought to go into the wood and look at the view," he said. They turned it over as they wandered aimlessly round the cart, looking furtively at the provisions.

His nurse attended him with a bucket full of burgoo, or hasty pudding, with which she occasionally fed him out of the cook's iron ladle. Two or three stout men were habited as sea nymphs, to attend on the goddess: they carried a looking-glass, some curry-combs, a birch-broom, and a pot of red paint, by way of rouge.

Just as she was making up her mind to scream, Wade stirred. He began to tingle as if a familiar of the Inquisition were slapping him all over with fine-toothed curry-combs. He became half-conscious of a woman supporting him. In a stammering and intoxicated voice he murmured, "Who ran to catch me when I fell, And kissed the place to make it well? My" He opened his eyes.

The dogs were barking, cattle bells jangling in the wooded pastures, and as the youth passed farmhouses, lights in the kitchen windows showed that the women were astir about breakfast, and the sound of voices and curry-combs at the barn told that the men were at their daily chores. And the east bloomed broader.

I may interest him in my goods before I get through, but if he could have had his way he would have omitted the interview until a better time for him. But there are men on the road who drum a man if they reach the town at midnight, and as he sticks his head out of his bedroom window, inform him they are giving an extra 2 1/2 on "J. I. C." curry-combs and ask him how he wants his shipped.