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But he interfered with that plan by stopping in front of the house and looking at it as if making up his mind whether to go in. It was an odd look he had, but distinctly an engaging one. He was not criticizing the architecture, if so it could be called, of the house-front.

He also took the trouble of criticizing minutely numbers of etchings and drawings, pointing out possible alterations which might make them acceptable to the public, and by so doing he helped to form and encouraged a great number of artists. Mr.

Every sentence I have read to you has been the product of work added to work of one impulse piled upon another of thinking and criticizing and revising. Just the little bit I have done has taken me a whole month, and I have hardly stopped to eat; it's been my first thought in the morning and my last at night.

'Since I have so much reason to be dissatisfied with myself, he added, 'I cannot refrain from criticizing elsewhere to a slight extent, and thinking I have to do with an ungenerous person. 'Why ungenerous?

"It's just as bad at a picture-gallery," the Earl remarked. "I went to the R.A. last May, with a conceited young artist: and he did torment me! I wouldn't have minded his criticizing the pictures himself: but I had to agree with him or else to argue the point, which would have been worse!" "It was depreciatory criticism, of course?" said Arthur. "I don't see the 'of course' at all."

Botanists are not noted for their power of aesthetic appreciation. It is an acknowledged fact that some art and music critics have lost their power of appreciation of the things they are continually criticizing. This discussion is not intended to minimize the value of creative skill, or of power of intellectual criticism. Both are talents that are well worth while cultivating.

Haven't we got past that?" scoffed Harold, sitting astride a chair and looking at her quizzically. "Nobody pays any attention to Estelle's numerous little affairs. I'd as soon think of criticizing a Watteau lady on an ivory fan!" "You can probably catch Mr. Pfingst in the dining-room if you go down at once," suggested Eleanor pointedly. "But I've no intention of going down at once.

I have always made it a point to refrain from criticizing my visitors. At least I do not recollect ever having criticized a visitor who carried a gun," he concluded with a smile. Ten Spot's lips curled sarcastically. Apparently he would not swerve in his determination to provoke trouble. "Hell," he said truculently, "that there palaver makes me sick.

In criticizing the most conspicuous of these schemes of social reconstruction, the so-called "scientific socialism," it should be understood at the outset that there is no intention of questioning the general aims of the socialists. Those aims, as voiced by their best representatives, are in entire accord with sound science, religion, and ethics.

A prominent Englishman, discussing the President's work in connection with the war, while criticizing what he characterized as the President's ignorance of European conditions, said: "I feel ashamed to be criticizing President Wilson for anything when I remember his practical services in prosecuting the war.