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And if he had chosen to establish that 'dernier cri' of modern civilization where ladies go who have 'welt-schmerz' without knowing why, a sanitarium, he might have gained back again all the money he had lost in giving his Grantham stock to Eldon Parr. Like the Pied Piper of Hamelin, he could have emptied Dalton Street of its children.

He ought, therefore, so to practice and exercise himself, and to eat and drink, as seems fitting to the one who presides and knows, rather than to all others together. Cri. It is so. Socr. Well, then, if he disobeys the one, and disregards his opinion and praise, but respects that of the multitude and of those who know nothing, will he not suffer some evil? Cri. How should he not? Socr.

As they broke up the Democratic party in order to render the election of the Republican candidate certain, so that they might found on his election the cri de guerre of a "sectional triumph" over the South, so they "coerced" the Southern people into the adoption of a war-policy. We have more than once heard Mr. Lincoln blamed for "precipitating matters" in April, 1861.

The one thing that he made quite clear was that he wouldn't do anything for Kruger. "But you ARE Kruger," burst from my lips, in a natural explosion of reasonableness. "You ARE Kruger, aren't you?" After this innocent CRI DE COEUR of mine, I thought at first there would be a fight, and I remembered with regret that the President in early life had had a hobby of killing lions.

In, de tois, Ca-ro-line, Quo fair t'-apes cri e ma chere? Mo l'-aime toe con-ne ca, C'est to m'ou le, c'est to mo prend, Mo l'-aime toe, to con-ne ca a c'est to m'oule c'est to mo prend. Gaining the promenade, I came presently to the new hotel which had been built for the Governor, with its balconied windows looking across the river the mansion of Monsieur le Baron de Carondelet.

Neither ought one who is injured to return the injury, as the multitude think, since it is on no account right to act unjustly. Cri. It appears not. Socr. What, then? Is it right to do evil, Crito, or not? Cri. Surely it is not right, Socrates. Socr. But what? To do evil in return when one has been evil-entreated, is that right, or not? Cri. By no means. Socr.

For the most worthy men, whom we ought rather to regard, will think that matters have transpired as they really have. Cri. Yet you see, Socrates, that it is necessary to attend to the opinion of the many. For the very circumstances of the present case show that the multitude are able to effect not only the smallest evils, but even the greatest, if any one is calumniated to them. Socr.

The magic-doctors of the Cri, of the Arikari, and of the Indians of the Antilles, wore the feathers and images of the owl as an emblem of the divine inspiration by which they were animated. Similar beliefs are common in Africa and Polynesia.

"My dear Anthony," replied the chairman, with a laugh which was almost a cackle, "the labourer is worthy of his hire." Which seems likely to become the dernier cri of the overpaid throughout all the ages.

Aunt Emmy's cheek was very soft too, and so was her full, silky hair, which she wore parted all her life, though it was never the fashion to do so that I can remember, though I am told it is now the dernier cri among the débutantes. Aunt Emmy had a beautifully shaped head, and the whitest brow and neck that I have ever seen. And she had a low voice, and was very dignified.