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She did not know that genii can be evoked. "Well, she is more my sister's cousin than mine," Paliser anxious to get out of it, threw in. "I mean my sister has a more cousinly nature." "I did not know you had a sister," said Cassy, who not only did not know but did not care. "Though, come to think of it, a sister with a cousinly nature must be so gratifying. Another distant relative, isn't she?"

She had certainly shown no precocious coquetry and disquieting instincts; she had had no equivocal cousinly relationships, when if the bridle is left on their neck at all, and one of them has learned at school what love is, the two big children yield to the fatal law of sex, and begin the inevitable eclogue of Daphne and Chole over again. However, Oh!

Aunt Penelope was empowered to leave them to whom she pleased; and though it was thought in Eaton Square that she must, as a matter of course, leave them to one of the family, nevertheless a little cousinly intercourse might make the thing more certain. I will not say that this was the sole cause for such a visit, but in these days a visit was to be made by Captain Broughton to his aunt.

'Truths do not need pardon, he said, as he gave a cousinly grasp, 'and I think you will try kindly to excuse my deficiencies and disadvantages. There was a certain dignity in his tone, and Bertha said heartily 'Thank you. It is all right in essentials, and chatter is of very little consequence. Now come and have some breakfast.

It would be but a bow in the bye-going, she passing on with equanimity and I with a maddening sense of awkwardness, that was not much bettered by the tattle of the plainstanes, where merchant lads and others made audible comment on the cousinly ardour of young Lachie. On Sundays, perhaps worst of all, I found my mind's torment.

She greatly enjoyed the universally-implied conviction with regard to the handsome young pair. Nor did they struggle against it; neither of them made any secret of their admiration for the conduct of the other, and the scrupulous appellations of Miss Conway and Lord Fitzjocelyn were discarded for more cousinly titles.

He was not pleased at Judge Rawdon's visit, but thought it best to be cousinly until his cousin interfered with his plans "rights" he called them "and then!" and his "THEN" implied a great deal, for Nicholas Rawdon was a man incapable of conceiving the idea of loving an enemy. His wife was a pleasant, garrulous woman, who interested Ethel very much. Her family was her chief topic of conversation.

"Then upon my honour," says Sir Leicester after a terrific pause during which he has been heard to snort and felt to stare, "then upon my honour, upon my life, upon my reputation and principles, the floodgates of society are burst open, and the waters have a obliterated the landmarks of the framework of the cohesion by which things are held together!" General burst of cousinly indignation.

One day the Crow and the Peacock's cousin were sauntering through the Malay woods when they met the Peacock face to face. The Crow looked defiant and stood jauntily; but the Pheasant tried to shrink out of sight. The Peacock, however, had spied his poor relative, and was filled with cousinly resentment at his appearance. He stopped short. He stood upon one leg.

Well, come the first soon night you feel like it " Carlisle had been doing some considering also, her conscience pricking her on account of the cousinly duty, long overdue. "I've an engagement to-morrow so sorry," she said, rather hastily. "But how about one night early next week, say Thursday, if that would suit ?" Chas and Hen agreed that it would do perfectly. Pot-luck at seven.