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"Hush, hush, dear Liz," murmured Mrs. Porcher, while the two young men made round eyes at each other, and de Courcy Smyth, leaning against the balusters on the landing of the half-flight, announced his presence by a sarcastic laugh. Mr. Iglesias looked from one to another in surprise.

This conference took place during the Christmas vacation. It should be mentioned, that the time spent by Frank at Courcy Castle had not done much to assist him in his views as to an early degree, and that it had at last been settled that he should stay up at Cambridge another year. When he came home at Christmas he found that the house was not peculiarly lively.

I won't allude to the noble blood of your noble relatives either in joke or in earnest. What is it you want to arrange, Trichy?" "I want you to be one of Augusta's bridesmaids." "Good heavens, Beatrice! Are you mad? What! Put me, even for a morning, into the same category of finery as the noble blood from Courcy Castle!" "Patience is to be one."

I am not in love with him myself; but then, I am not a young lady." "The de Courcys are very fond of him. Lady de Courcy says that he is a perfect gentleman, and thought very much of in London." "Oh! if Lady de Courcy says that, of course, it's all right," said the doctor, with a quiet sarcasm, that was altogether thrown away on the squire.

Had Lady de Courcy herself met her at this moment, she would almost have felt herself forced to shrink out of the pathway. "Not say a word of me!" she repeated to herself, but still out loud. "No word need be left unsaid on my account; none, none." Augusta followed her, dumfounded at her indignation; and Frank also followed, but not in silence.

The son had not worded his letter with any affectionate phraseology. "Lord Porlock begs to inform Lord de Courcy " Such had been the commencement. "I suppose he must have his money; else how can he live?" said the countess, trembling. "Live!" shouted the earl. "And so you think it proper that he should write such a letter as that to his father!" "It is all very unfortunate," she replied.

"De Courcy!" repeated the priest, grasping the arm of Eustace, while the paleness of death overspread his features; "who bears that most unhappy name?" "The niece of Mad. de la Tour," returned De Valette; "and, however unfortunate the name, it has, as yet, entailed no evil on its present possessor." "Was it she, whom I just now saw with you?" asked the priest, with increasing agitation.

The duke had already declined to come to Courcy; but he had in a measure atoned for this by asking some of the guests to join a great dinner which he was about to give to his neighbours. Mr Moffat was to leave Courcy Castle the day after the dinner-party, and he therefore determined to make his great attempt on the morning of that day.

Lady Arabella still kept up, as far as she was able, her close connexion with Courcy Castle. She was there as much as possible, to which Mr Gresham never objected; and she took her daughters there whenever she could, though, as regarded the two elder girls, she was interfered with by Mr Gresham, and not unfrequently by the girls themselves.

As his duty to his prince had called him from his family hearth he, Mr Thorne, could not venture to regret that he did not see him at Ullathorne; but nevertheless he would venture to say And so Mr Thorne became somewhat gravelled as a country gentleman in similar circumstances usually do; but he ultimately sat down, declaring that he had much satisfaction in drinking the noble earl's health, together with that of the countess, and all the family of De Courcy castle.