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Going to the meat line, he took down a large double handful, and sat down on a pile of skins to eat at his ease. The flesh was tough and coarse, but he had never tasted anything sweeter. He could not understand the flavour, which was not surprising in a world of strange animals. The meal proceeded in silence. Corpang ate sparingly, standing up, and afterward lay down on a bundle of furs.

"Let me alone," said Maskull. "Give luck a slack rein. What brought this boat here?" "What is this talk about Muspel?" demanded Haunte. Corpang caught his shoulder roughly, and stared straight into his eyes. "What do you know?" "Not much, but something, perhaps. Ask me at supper. Now it is high time to start. Navigating the mountains by night isn't child's play, let me tell you."

Some were perpendicular, but others dipped so much that an aspect of extreme antiquity was given to the entire colonnade. Corpang was seen climbing the hill, not far from the top. "He wishes to arrive," said Maskull, watching the energetic ascent with a rather cynical smile. "The heavens won't open for Corpang," returned Sullenbode.

After the first moment's shock, he quietly accepted the new order of things, and set about shifting the carcass. Since there was no weight in the boat this was effected without any great labour. Corpang then descended. The astonishing physical change had no power to disturb his settled composure, which was founded on moral ideas.

He leaped out of the boat and, pushing past the others without ceremony, walked straight into the cave. Maskull followed, with Corpang at his heels. A few stone steps led to a doorway, curtained by the skin of some large beast. Their host pushed his way in, never offering to hold the skin aside for them.

Her hair was undressed. Its colour could not be distinguished. It was long and tangled, and had been tucked into her garment behind, for convenience. Corpang looked calm and sullen, but both the others were visibly agitated. Maskull's heart was hammering away under his chest. Haunte pulled him, and said, "My head feels as if it were being torn from my shoulders." "What can that mean?"

"They all find their way here to die. They come from Matterplay. There they live to an incredible age. Partly on that account, and partly because of their spontaneous origin, they regard themselves as the favoured children of Faceny. But when they come here to find him, they die at once." "I think this one is the last of the race. But whom do I speak to?" "I am Corpang.

"Although I was not born here," proceeded Corpang, "I've lived here for twenty-five years, and during all that time I have been drawing nearer to Thire, as I hope. But there is this peculiarity about it the first stages are richer in fruit and more promising than the later ones. The longer a man seeks Thire, the more he seems to absent himself.

Maskull stared again at the spot where Leehallfae's body had lain, quite bewildered at the extraordinary disappearance. He could scarcely tear himself away from the place, so mysterious was it. Not until Corpang called to him a second time did he make up his mind to follow him. They set off from the rock wall straight across the airlit plain, directing their course toward the nearest trees.

We do not want these visits; we loathe them." "I might have died, too." "You came together?" "There were three of us. Corpang still stands over there." "I see a faintly glimmering form. What do you want of me, Corpang?" "Nothing." "Then go away, and leave me with Maskull." "No need, Corpang. I am coming with you."