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I gave him a noncommittal smile and walked to the lane. Retrieving my bundle, I joined Amar with conspiratorial caution. We drove to Chadni Chowk, a merchandise center. For months we had been saving our tiffin money to buy English clothes. Knowing that my clever brother could easily play the part of a detective, we thought to outwit him by European garb.

The only object in the room heavy enough to serve as a barricade was the bed, and it was too heavy for me to move, I feared. I suggested it, of course, involuntarily lowering my voice to a conspiratorial whisper. "Pull it over, quick!" she commanded promptly. "Perhaps I'd better run out and get Max and Ru " "If my hus if Mr. Pless should open that secret door from the other side, Mr.

It is the happy man who does the useless things; the sick man is not strong enough to be idle. The madman would read a conspiratorial significance into those empty activities. He would think that the lopping of the grass was an attack on private property. He would think that the kicking of the heels was a signal to an accomplice.

She was saying to herself that the opportunity to return it had at length arrived, when she heard a low, conspiratorial tapping at the door. All her skin crept as, after a second's startled hesitation, she moved to open the door. George Cannon, holding a candle, stood on the landing. She had not seen him since the brief colloquy between them outside the house.

'Jane, Jane! he complained in his hoarse and conspiratorial whisper, 'I've been teaching you the elements of your art for two years, and all you have achieved is to poke your elbow in my eye. The rehearsal is stopped. And everybody went home. Such is a specimen of the incidents which were continually happening.

He gave a whispering cry, rather conspiratorial in tone. And as Jock offered no response, he hurried after Jock through the door to the right. This door led to a large apartment which struck Denry as being an idealisation of a first-class waiting-room at a highly important terminal station. In a wall to the left was a small door, half open. Jock must have gone through that door.

Edward Henry persisted and this time with an exceedingly impressive and conspiratorial air: "I tell you another thing you could do you really could do and it depends on nobody but yourself." "Well," she said with decision. "I'll do it." "Whatever it is?" "If it's straight." "Of course it's straight. And it would be a grand way of teasing Mr. Wrissell and all of 'em! A simply grand way!

A fearful conspiratorial frown, that would not have disgraced Guido Fawkes, was darted back from the plastic features of Master Ripton. Richard gave his lungs loud play. "Why, what did you say about Blaizes, Rippy? Didn't you say it was fun?" Another hideous and silencing frown was Ripton's answer. Adrian matched the innocent youths, and knew that there was talking under the table.

Constance had not heard the whisper, but she had seen it; and she saw a guilty, puzzled look on Cyril's face, afterwards an ineffectively concealed conspiratorial look on both their faces. They had 'something between them, from which she, the mother, was shut out! Was it not natural that she should be wounded? She was far too proud to mention the telegrams.

Before the excogitation of this splendid resolve, he had been observed to wear for some period a conspiratorial aspect. Pericles cleared and he ceased to persecute Emilia. "I am not one that is wopped," he said significantly; nodding to his English hearers, as if this piece of shrewd acquaintance with the expressive mysteries of their language placed them upon equal terms.