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Updated: August 22, 2024

A spearman just behind Thal said: "Dirty trick! I was with him to Walden, and he paid off good! A good man! Shoulda been a chieftain! Good man!" Thal entered the spaceboat. Gingerly. He wrinkled his nose at the faint smell of explosive still inside. Another man came in. Another. "Say!" said one of them in a conspiratorial voice. "We got our share of that loot from Walden. But he hadda share, too!

Such honesty is found only on the lower levels. The detective saved our pride from time to time by introducing us to sights which the despicable ordinary tourists cannot see. It was a proud moment for us when we assisted at a conspiratorial interview between our detective and the "captain of the precincts."

Sir John was disappearing, with his stealthy and conspiratorial air, down the staircase. The headquarters of the Azure Society were situate in Marloes Road for no other reason than that it happened so.

"But is it allowed ?" I was, in truth, not only tired but ravenous. Sister, entering upon this conspiratorial dialogue, unhesitatingly gave her approval. Cold rice pudding and a left-over leg of chicken, eaten standing, at a shelf in a larder, can taste very good indeed, even to the wearer of a spick-and-span grey lounge suit.

The lady, returning as he restored it to his pocket, mixed rum and water for the party, not forgetting her fair self, and handed to every one his glass. When all were supplied, Mr Rugg rose, and silently holding out his glass at arm's length above the centre of the table, by that gesture invited the other three to add theirs, and to unite in a general conspiratorial clink.

"Hist!" said the Honourable John Ruffin, laying a finger on his lips, frowning portentously, and rolling his eyes. Then he added in blank verse, as being appropriate to the conspiratorial attitude: "I thought I heard a footstep on the stairs." They both listened intently at least Eglantine did; she hardly breathed in her intentness.

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