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Updated: August 24, 2024

I went wi' the lad fer a ways, but my jackass harpened to be more or less indispositioned consider'bly more o' less than less o' more an' so I made up my mind not ter continny his route. Ther last I see'd o' the lad he disappeared over sum kind o' a precypice, an' calkylatin' as how he war done fer, I rej'ined Charity Joseph, ar' kim on."

"Yas, thar's more or less truth in them words o' yours, b'yee consider'bly more o' less than less o' more. He ken't go back now, nohow we kin fix et. He's a right peart sort o' a kid, an' I think ef we was ter guv him a job, or talk reeson'ble ter him, thet he'd consent to do the squar' thing by us." Redburn frowned.

Waal, young man, ter tell the solid Old Testament truth, more or less consider'bly less o' more 'n more o' less I admire yer cheek, hard an' unblushin' as et ar'. Ye call my givin' this pretty piece o' feminine gander a squar', fatherly sort o' a hug, disgraceful, do ye? Think et's all out o' ther bounds o' propriety, do ye?" "I look at it in that light, yes," Redburn replied.

Thars a full fifty o' them sharks, more or less consider'bly more o' less than less o' more an' ef we hain't got ter hold a full hand in order ta clean 'em out, why, ye can call me a cross-eyed, hair lipped hyeeny, that's all." Redburn uttered an ejaculation as he saw the swarm of invaders that was perhaps more forcible than polite. He did not like the looks of things at all.

Barrin' ye ar' a right peart-lookin' kid, stranger, allow me ter speculate thet it would take a dozen, more or less consider'bly less uv more than more o' less ter put me out." Redburn laughed heartily. The old fellow's bravado amused him. Anita however, was silent; she put dependence in her protector to arrange matters satisfactorily.

"I guv et a rap across the spinal column, when I kim into the valley," said General Nix, thrusting his head in at the door, a ludicrous grin elongating his grisly features. "'Twar a-goin' ter guv me a yard or so uv et's tongue, more or less consider'bly less of more than more of less so I jest salivated it across ther back, kerwhack!"

"I opine this ar' a free country, ain't it, marm, more or less? When a feller kerflummuxes rite down onter a payin' streek I opine he's goin' ter roost that till he gits reddy to vamoose, ain't he?" "But, sir, my brother was the first to discover this spot and build us a home here, and he claims that all belongs to him." "He do? more or less consider'bly less of more than more uv less, eh?

"There ye err," shouted the guide: "I'm goin' ter Deadwood, instead uv ter the deuce." "Maybe you will go to Deadwood, and then, again, maybe ye won't," answered back Fearless Frank. "More or less!" chimed in the general "consider'bly more of less than less of more. Look out thet ther allies uv Sittin' Bull don't git ther dead wood on ye."

Sing out like a bellerin' bull, now, an' et ar' more or less likely consider'bly more of less 'n less of more that she will respond!" Fearless Frank laughed, and forming his hands into a trumpet he gave vent to a loud, ear-splitting "hello!" that made the prairies ring. "Great whale uv Joner!" gasped the "General," holding his hands toward the region of his organs of hearing.

McKenzie and Anita were remarried in Deadwood, and at the same time Redburn led Alice Terry to the altar, which consummation the "General" avowed was "more or less of a good thing consider'bly less o' more 'n' more o' less."

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