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I know'd it wud be no joke gruppin' one o' them by the leg, but I made up my mind to try it; an' I lay down jest as afore, close up to the calf. 'Twur no go. The cunnin' things seed the float stick, an' kep clur o' the karkidge. I wur a-gwine to cacher under some bush that wur by, an' I begun to carry it up, when all of a suddint I tuk a fresh idee in my head.

This was all probable enough; and with the knowledge which the scalp-hunters possessed of the Navajo character, they one and all believed it to be so. "I'm sartin they'll kum back," continued Rube; "that ur, his half o' the tribe, anyways; but it'll be three days clur, an' well up till another, afore they drinks Peenyun water." "But they would strike our trail the day after."

I ud lose the mar to a dead sartinty, if I didn't make the high ground; so I spoke to the critter to do her best, an' kep on. The poor beast didn't need any whippin' she knew as well's I did meself thur wur danger, an' she wur a-doin' her darndest, an' no mistake. Still the water riz, an' kep a-risin', until it come clur up to her shoulder. "I begun to git skeart in airnest.

We cannot stay long here. Our provisions will give out. They must move ahead. Is that mountain near the line of our course, think you?" As Seguin spoke, he pointed to a snow-crowned peak that towered over the plain, far off to the eastward. "The trail we oughter take for the ole mine passes clost by it, cap'n. To the south'art o' yon snowy, thur's a pass; it's the way I got clur myself."

"'Twan't very clur at the time, for it had been a-growin' cloudier ever since I left the shanty, but 'twur clur enough to show me that the thing wur a varmint: what sort, I couldn't tell. It mout be a bar, an' it mout not; but I had my suspects it wur eyther a bar or a painter. "I wan't left long in doubt about the thing's gender.

We'll hev to go three mile or tharabout; but we'll git back by the time 'ee hev filled yur gourds, an' got yur traps ready for skeetin'." "Very well! take the arrows." "Four's gobs for us," said Rube, taking that number from the quiver. "Keep the rest. 'Ee'll want more wolf-meat afore we start. Thur's not a tail o' anythin' else till we git clur roun' the mountain yander.

"Fresh track, cap'n; buffler!" "What number; can you guess?" "A gang o' fifty or tharabout. They've tuk through the thicket yander-away. I kin sight the sky. Thur's clur ground not fur from us; and I'd stak a plew thur in it. I think it's a small parairia, cap." "Halt here, men!" said Seguin; "halt and keep silent. Ride forward, Rube.

"Wal, then; that ur's a desprit weepun, for them as knows how to use it; an' he diz; that Injun diz. T'other had a hatchet, too, but he didn't keep it long. 'Twur clinked out o' his hands in a minnit, an' then the Coco got a down blow at him. Wagh! it wur a down blow, an' it wa'n't nuthin' else. It split the niggur's head clur down to the thrapple.

The top o' the mound which, wur above water wan't over half an acre in size, an' it wur as clur o' timmer as any other part o' the parairy, so that I could see every inch o' it, an' everythin' on it as big as a tumble-bug. "I reckin, strengers, that you'll hardly believe me when I tell you the concatenation o' varmints that wur then an' thur caucused together.

The trapper had flitted near me, so that he could see out and talk in whispers. I was still apprehensive that the savages might search the cave. "'Tain't likely," said my companion. "They mout ef thur hadn't 'a been so many o' these diggins, do 'ee see? Thur's a grist o' 'em more'n a hundred on t'other side; an' most o' the men who got clur tuk furrer down.