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"Maldito sea!" continued the trapper, taking the wooden leg from his waist, and hammering the hat with it against a stone "maldito sombrero! but for that accursed invention, we poor trappers wouldn't be as we are now. Carrambo! it's fetched beaver down to a plew a plug; while only ten years ago, we could get six pesos the skin! Only think of that! Carrai-i-i!"

"Fresh track, cap'n; buffler!" "What number; can you guess?" "A gang o' fifty or tharabout. They've tuk through the thicket yander-away. I kin sight the sky. Thur's clur ground not fur from us; and I'd stak a plew thur in it. I think it's a small parairia, cap." "Halt here, men!" said Seguin; "halt and keep silent. Ride forward, Rube.

This absence of her captors; and, besides, my band has been most opportunely strengthened by the arrival of a number of trappers from the eastern plains. The beaver-skins have fallen, according to their phraseology, to a `plew a plug, and they find `red-skin' pays better. Ah! I hope this will soon be over." And he sighed deeply as he uttered the last words.

"But I must get to my plew- stilts." And he would seclude himself as usual in his back room, and Archie go forth into the night and the city quivering with animosity and scorn. IT chanced in the year 1813 that Archie strayed one day into the Justiciary Court. The macer made room for the son of the presiding judge.

"Yes, they are Digger Indians," added Seguin. "Come on; we have nothing to fear from them." "But we have somethin' to git from them," rejoined one of the hunters, with a significant look. "Digger plew good as any other; worth jest as much as 'Pash chief." "No one must fire," said Seguin, in a firm tone.

Tea, you must know, is styled `plew' on board, in the slang of the training-ship; possibly, through some association with the `sky blue' known in the boarding-schools of shore folk.

Plew whose husband, a good river pilot, had died from overwork on a hard trip to New Orleans in the floods of the Mississippi two years before, leaving her with six children dependent upon her, the eldest a lad in his "teens," the youngest a little baby girl.

The old trapper rode up to the corpse, and leisurely dismounted from his mare. "Fifty dollar a plew!" he muttered, unsheathing his knife and stooping over the body. "It's more'n I got for my own. It beats beaver all hollow. Cuss beaver, say this child. Plew a plug ain't worth trappin' if the varmint wur as thick as grass-jumpers in calf-time.

He had been captured by some of Mahtocheega's band, and by the description he gave of the white captives at that time in the village, I felt sure that my wife was one of the number. Learning that on his return he would proceed to the same locality in quest of "beaver plew," I determined to accompany him.