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She lighted her smoky little lamp there was no gas in the third story and looked at her watch with an amazed air; she had not imagined that it could be nearly 11 o'clock! Then she pushed the reports into a drawer and turned the key; no use to attempt reports for that evening. As she picked up her class-book, the scribbling on the fly-leaf caught her eye again.

The Professor in Physiology has kindly sent me the following: "An examination of my class-book, in all my recitations for the last five years, shows but a very slight difference in the average number of absences from recitations, for all causes, excused and unexcused, of women and men, viz.: for each man, 35.31, for each woman, 36.76." There is another fact which ought to be mentioned.

He had come to visit Sister Cynthy Ann, whose name had long stood on the class-book at Harden's Cross-Roads as a good and acceptable member of the church in full connection. He was visiting formally and officially each family in which there was a member. Had he visited informally and unofficially, and like a man instead of like a minister, he would have done more good.

When it came to Walter's turn Mr Paton first inquired his name, which he entered with extreme neatness in his class-book a book in which there was not a single blot from the first page to the last. He then put him on as he had put on the rest. "I had no book, sir, and didn't know what the lesson was," said Walter. "Excuses, sir, excuses!" said Mr Paton sternly.

"The French girls," said she, "all at least who learn to read, are formed to this elegance and softness by the very elements of their education; their class-book is Marmontel, and La Belle Assemblée, the last, one of the prettiest novels in France.

You see, I regard the Bible as my class-book, my book o' logarithms, chart compass, rudder, etcetera, all rolled into one. Now, I don't mind tellin' you a secret. When I first went to sea I was a very wild harum-scarum young fellow, an' havin' some sort of influence over my mates, I did 'em a deal of damage and led 'em astray.

Humphrey, "that the Bible ought to be used in every primary school as a class-book. I am not ignorant of the objections which even some good men are wont to urge against its introduction. The Bible, it is said, is too sacred a volume to be put on a level with common school-books, and to be thumbed over and thrown about by dirty hands.

When I was first invited by the Primitive Methodists of Tunstall to preach in their chapel, one of the class-leaders and local preachers in the circuit threw up his plan, and sent in his class-book, saying he would not belong to a society that would allow Joseph Barker to preach in their pulpits. He was under a wrong impression with regard to my views.

At last the old parsonage is quite bare and deserted, though our successors, box and baggage, have moved in upon us, much to the annoyance of the females, who see with jealousy that the new arrival gets the lion's share of attention, and that Brother Tipp, whose class-book we took from him, and who has backbitten us ever since, is courteous as a dancing-master with our rival.

There was probably only one congregation in any one city. I do not know whether they had a class-book or not, but they were united in Christ. Well, fold that sheet up, Mary; that contains the summary of our work this afternoon. We may derive some value from it later on." "But, I am really puzzled," continued Robert. "Something certainly has happened to the church since the apostles' day.