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It was at this juncture that Sophia espied another cobweb, after which the little party left this the last of the cottages, and walked back to the park, Daniel Granger still by Clarissa's side. He did not make the faintest allusion to that desperate avowal of the morning. He was indeed cruelly ashamed of his precipitation, feeling that he had gone the very way to ruin his cause.

She wondered about him and then reminded herself that she had no right even to wonder now. His was an image which must be blotted out of her life. She cut all those careless sketches out of her drawing-book. If it had only been as easy to tear the memory of him out of her mind! The end of May came very quickly, and with it Clarissa's wedding-day.

"Good-afternoon, Miss Granger." George Fairfax shook hands with Clarissa. "Good-bye, Mrs. Granger." That was all, but the words were accompanied by a look and a pressure of the hand that brought the warm blood into Clarissa's cheeks. She had made for herself that worst enemy a woman can have a disappointed lover. While they were shaking hands, Mr.

She meant, as soon as she could find a good opportunity, to ask Aunt Clarissa's leave to continue her visits to the fisherman's family. She did not doubt that she should be allowed to help them; they were so much in need of help. When she left the cottage, she had asked the woman if she should not send a doctor to her; but the answer was that the best medicine would be her own return.

There was a brougham at Miss Granger's disposal; but the landau was essentially Clarissa's carriage. "You can get on very well without me," repeated Mr. Granger. "I do not think my presence or absence makes very much difference to you, Clarissa," he added, in a grave displeased tone. It was almost his first hint of a reproach.

Congratulate him! I felt the meanest among men. "She is glorious," I stammered. "I knew you would say so. Unbeliever, did ever man see such eyes? Confess now, what are Claire's beside them?" "Claire's are much the same." "Why, man, Claire's were deep grey but a day or two ago, and Clarissa's are the brownest of brown; but of course you cannot see from here." Alas!

Abram Lansing, until some six months before, when it was decided that he should go to New York and be under the Verplanck eye; and although Peter had rebelled much against the plan in the first place, he found himself much happier under Clarissa's gentle rule, and positively adored her in consequence.

As there had been a declaration of love, of course their father would be informed of it at once. Patience, having so resolved, allowed her sister to go to her bed without further questioning. In Clarissa's own bosom the great offence had been forgiven, or rather condoned before the morning.

Patience was sure that something had happened, and that that something must have reference to the guise of lover either assumed or not assumed by Ralph Newton. She accused her sister of no hypocrisy, but she was aware that Clarissa's words were wild, not expressing the girl's thoughts, and spoken almost at random. Something must be said, and therefore these complaints had been made.

He had half resolved to sacrifice himself for this girl and behold, she cared nothing for him! The preparations for the wedding went on. Clarissa's headache did not develop into a fever, and she had no excuse for flying from Hale Castle.