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Updated: August 6, 2024

Sez she to me, 'Adam, you will give up the weed for me, won't you? An' sez I, 'Why, to be sartin sure, I will, meanin' of course, while I was courtin'. Then she answered, 'Well, he's a Christian an' a churchgoer an' you ain't, but if he was the Angel Gabriel himself, Adam, an' was a chawer, I wouldn't marry him.

He was a great churchgoer when he was ashore and always preachin' brotherly love and kindness and pattin' us little shavers on the head, and so on. Most of the grown folks thought he was a sort of saint, and I thought he was more than that.

It stood for a possible, nay, a probable capacity in Armour to take his place in the stable body of society, to recognize and make demands, to become a taxpayer, a churchgoer, a householder, a husband.

Hornbut, I ask ye hoo you, a minister o' the Church of England, can reconcile it to yer conscience to think though it be but for a minute that there can be ony good in a man and him no churchgoer? Sir, ye're a heretic not to say a heathen!" He sniggered to himself, and his hand crept to a half-emptied wine decanter.

We are not accustomed to mysteries here, and the major is an upright man, and a regular churchgoer, and his brother was a ne'er-do-well, But we won't say anything against him now, poor man! Only I assure you, you will make yourselves the talk of the neighbourhood if you three unmarried women scrape acquaintance with his son, and espouse his cause with such hot vehemence!

Vane the good, the decent, the churchgoer Mr. Vane, whom Mrs. Woffington had selected to improve her morals Mr. Vane was a married man! As soon as Pomander had drawn his breath and realized this discovery, he darted upstairs, and with all the demure calmness he could assume, told Mr.

It was no uncommon thing in the Sunny Southland to observe a staunch churchgoer who was an outspoken advocate of temperance rising up and giving three rousing hiccups for good old Dr. Bunkum's Nerve Balm.

Newman, decorous in the black clothes which are the uniform of the regular churchgoer, trod deliberately at his side and mopped his brow with a handkerchief. "It was very warm in the church this afternoon," explained Mr. Newman mildly. "Very warm." He was an older man than Carrick, and altogether a riper and most complacent figure.

But how was it your friend put in so many warnin's against them old dives? You didn't come on to cultivate a late crop of wild oats, did you?" "Nary an oat," says he, shakin' his head solemn. "I ain't much of a churchgoer; but I've always been a moderate, steady-goin' man. It was on account of my havin' this money to invest." "Oh!" says I. "Much?" "Fifty thousand dollars," says he.

Her husband was a good, honest, upright man a steady churchgoer and zealous worker in many ways. The intangible change to liberalness puzzled her. If you gave up one point, would there not be a good reason for giving up another? Neither could she quite explain why she should feel more anxious about Betty than she had felt about the girlhood of the two elder daughters.

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