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I say, what a radical he is, Chrissy! Look! the old place is just like an empty egg-shell! I know, if it had been mine, I wouldn't have let it come to that!" "You say so because it never was yours: if it had been, you would know how uncomfortable it was!"

'Oh, it's you Chrissy, she said in her pleasant way; 'come in child; don't you want to see something pretty? And she showed me two elegant brocaded silk gowns, very narrow and very short-waisted, but stiff enough to stand alone. "She praised my work and said I was a good girl. Then she paid me the money and tied a little blue silk handkerchief around my neck for a keepsake.

When one is annoyed at the sight of things meant to be and not beautiful, there is danger of not giving them even the poor fair-play they stand in so much the more need of that it can do so little for them. But now they changed the subject of their talk. They had come to a point of the road not far from the ruin to which the children had run across the heather. "Look, Chrissy!

'Here's a spoonful for mother, poor mother, they would say; and of course it couldn't be refused when mother needed it so much. 'And now one for Chrissy'" "Who?" "My sister, Christine. And then I'd take one for 'uncle' and one for each of the servants; and the cupful would go down to the health of the household, and I the dupe of my sympathies!

She says we shall build for ourselves, how and where we please. Stone Ridge is her shop. Of course, if Chrissy liked it But Chrissy considers it a 'hole. Mother goes up there and indulges in secret orgies of economy; one man in the stable, one in the garden 'Economy has its pleasures for all healthy minds." "Economy is as delicious as bread and butter after too much candy.

"Perhaps he will love you yet, Chrissy!" "No, no; he will never love me that way! For goodness' sake don't hint at such a thing! I should not be able to write a word to him, if I thought that! I should feel a wolf in sheep's clothing! I have done with tricks and pretendings! Ian shall never say to himself, 'I wish I had not trusted that girl! I thought she was going to be honest!

She came to her through the shadow of the moonlight, put her arms round her, and pressed to her face a wet cheek. For a moment or two neither spoke. "I heard a little, Mercy!" sobbed Christina. "Forgive me; I meant no harm; I only wanted to know if you were awake; I was coming to see you." "Thank you, Chrissy! That was good of you!" "You are a dear! and so is your chief! I am sorry I scared him!

She slowly forced upon him the conviction that any gifts or attainments of his the prosperous, cultivated farmer laird were as dross compared with the genius and acquirements of Chrissy Hunter, whom many short-sighted men called insignificant and plain amid the poverty and cares of Blackfaulds.

The jacket must do, for I do not mean to ask father for a new one. I have my gray dress and hat, and father thinks they are very becoming; and there is my Indian muslin Uncle Charles gave me for best occasions, and if you will let me buy a few yards of white nun's-cloth Chrissy and I will contrive a pretty dinner-dress.

"But, before I thought," she pursued distressedly, "I said yes, I thought so too, I don't know just what words I used, but no more than that! Chrissy asked her aunt if it would hurt, and she said, 'No, no, dear! and I began reading. And now, here's this note from Mrs.