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Other good phrases are "chop-chop" for "hurry up," "chin-chin" for "greeting," and "chow-chow" for "food." A Scotch fellow-passenger was telling me the other day of the saying that "The Scotchman keeps the Sabbath day, and every other good thing he can lay his hands on."

They know me.... We'll put the chicken in the middle and the ham along at this end and the pie over there where it can't slip off " "I don't like pie, boy." "I do. Pie's good for you. We'll put the beet salad by the chicken and the cabbage salad by the ham and the chow-chow betwixt 'em. Then the choc'late cake can go by the pie " "Boy, I don't like chocolate cake." "Honest? Ah, you're kiddin' me!

"Chin-chin, lilly pijjin," said my new friend, as he picked himself up from the deck and made his way back to his galley with the empty pannikin, whose contents I was glad to have swallowed before jumping out of the bunk, or else it would have been spilt in another fashion. "When you wanchee chow-chow you comee Ching Wang and he givee you first chop."

Then come with us to Cossitollah, and we'll have a tiffin of talk; some cloves of adventure, with a capsicum or two of tragic story, shall stand for the curry; the customs of the country may represent the familiar rice; a whiff of freshness and fragrance from the Mofussil will be as the mangoes and the dorians; in the piquancy and grotesqueness of the first pure Orientalism that may come to hand we shall recognize the curious chow-chow of the chutney; and as for the beer, why, we will be the beer ourselves.

Who'd a-thought av sayin' ye ag'in in the ould barquey, Ching Wang? Glad ye're a-comin' with us, an' hopes ye're all roight!" "Chin-chin, Mass' Looney," answered the Chinee, putting his monkey-like paw into Tim's broad palm and shaking hands cordially in English fashion. "Me belly well, muchee sank you. Me fetchee chow-chow number one chop when you wauchee."

For food I knew that I could rely on berries, roots, shoots, mosses, mushrooms, fungi, bungi in fact the whole of Nature's ample storehouse; for my drink, the running brook and the quiet pool; and for my companions the twittering chipmunk, the chickadee, the chocktaw, the choo-choo, the chow-chow, and the hundred and one inhabitants of the forgotten glade and the tangled thicket.

When ready to serve add six hard-boiled eggs chopped, and one pint bottle of pickles or chow-chow. The pickle may be omitted and celery cut fine be added. When these are well mixed serve on lettuce leaves with mayonnaise dressing, of which one pint will be required. Put some fillets of flounder into boiling water with a little salt and lemon juice, and cook until tender, then drain thoroughly.

"Oh, Yes," said Little Silver to herself, as she remembered how her father had said of a certain neighbor who had lately been drinking hard, "he swills saké like a Shōji." She also understood why picnic or "chow-chow" boxes were often decorated with pictures of Shōji, with their cups and dippers.

Life at Hillton Academy had gone on serenely since West's victory on the links. The little pewter tankard reposed proudly upon his mantel beside a bottle of chow-chow, and bore his name as the third winner of the trophy. But West had laid aside his clubs, save for an occasional hour at noon, and, abiding by his promise to Joel, he had taken up his books again with much resolution, if little ardor.

Hong Wo, No. 37 Chow-chow street, making up a lottery scheme in fact we found a dozen others occupied in the same way in various parts of the quarter, for about every third Chinaman runs a lottery, and the balance of the tribe "buck" at it.