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Recognizing Chilo, he was at his side with one spring, and, seizing his arm, bent it back, exclaiming, "This is the man who persuaded me to kill Glaucus!" "Mercy!" groaned Chilo. "I will give you O lord!" exclaimed he, turning his head to Vinicius, "save me! I trusted in thee, take my part. Thy letter I will deliver it. O lord, lord!"

When they reached the place, I watched from a distance, hidden behind a portico pillar, and convinced myself that Euricius was not invented. Below, a number of tens of people were unloading stones from a spacious barge, and piling them up on the bank. I saw Chilo approach them, and begin to talk with some old man, who after a while fell at his feet.

Chilo, without further waiting, his teeth chattering from terror, ran along the cross street with a speed which even in a young man might have roused admiration. "If he sees me from a distance when he is returning, he will catch and kill me," said he to himself. "Save me, Zeus; save me, Apollo; save me, Hermes; save me, O God of the Christians!

At the first moment it did not even occur to him that he had done a grievous wrong to Chilo, and had him flogged for the very acts for which he had rewarded him previously. He was too much of a Roman yet to be pained by another man's suffering, and to occupy his attention with one wretched Greek.

"Thou art triply right, for eyes that have seen thee should be free of tears forever. O lord, defend me against my enemies." "Speak of the Christians," said Poppæa, with a shade of impatience. "It will be at thy command, O Isis," answered Chilo. "From youth I devoted myself to philosophy, and sought truth.

Then, meditating for a moment, he said, "It is not Atlas who carries the world on his shoulders, but woman; and sometimes she plays with it as with a ball." "True," said Vinicius. And they began to take farewell of each other. But at that moment a slave announced that Chilo Chilonides was waiting in the antechamber, and begged to be admitted to the presence of the lord.

For a while the slope of the hill concealed the conflagration, so that, though the neighboring heights were in the light, the two men were in the shade. When they had passed the Circus, they turned still to the left, and entered a kind of passage completely dark. But in that darkness Vinicius saw swarms of gleaming lanterns. "They are there," said Chilo.

I sold to that poor Eunice two threads from my old mantle. She is dull; but if Petronius were to give her to me, I would take her. Yes, yes, Chilo Chilonides, thou hast lost father and mother, thou art an orphan; therefore buy to console thee even a female slave.

"A higher power is protecting us." "Surely, surely! But what do ye intend to do with Vinicius?" inquired Chilo, with fresh alarm. "I know not. Christ commands mercy." "Thou hast answered excellently. Think of this always, or thou wilt fry in hell like a sausage in a frying-pan."

"Father," said he with a voice almost of entreaty, "dost thou take this deed on thy conscience, and hast thou thyself heard Glaucus betraying his brethren?" Chilo understood that he must give proofs, mention names, otherwise doubt might creep into the heart of the giant. All at once a happy thought flashed through his head.