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Updated: August 28, 2024

"Well, that's neither here nor there," cried Pinkerton. "The point is, how about these dollars lying on a reef?" "Will it pay?" I asked. "Pay like a sugar trust!" exclaimed Pinkerton. "Don't you see what this British officer says about the safety? Don't you see the cargo's valued at ten thousand?

I don't think I could ha' got along if I'd tried ever so hard, 'cause the cargo's jammed up so close to the roof; but a small sort o' man might do it, or p'r'aps I might if old Frenchy keeps me here long enough to get precious thin." "But a boy could get along?" I said. "Oh yes, sir, I dessay a boy could; but don't you get thinking it's a regular pipe or a passage, 'cause it arn't.

You know, too, that her cargo's to be a rich one, and that, over and above her cargo she's to ship an astonishin' quantity of gold and precious stones, brought down to the coast from Peru; and of course you know that Cap'n Bowen and his lads 'ud lay wait for her, and maybe get her, if you was to tell 'em about her.

"I'm starting on the great voyage across the unknown sea; my ship's all rigged and appointed, the cargo's stowed away and the company complete. But what seems the matter with me is that I can't sail alone; my ship must be one of a pair, must have, in the waste of waters, a what do you call it? a consort. I don't ask you to stay on board with me, but I must keep your sail in sight for orientation.

"Thank you," said Kettle, with a cock of the head, "but I take presents from no one. What bit of a living I get, your ladyship, I earn." "I do not onderstand. But you are sailor. You have ship. You wish cargo?" Captain Kettle snapped his fingers ecstatically. "Now, ma'am, there you've hit it. Cargo's what I do want.

Montgomery hesitated for a moment and then resumed: "I understand you bought the wreck?" "I used the shareholders' money; at all events, I used as much as I durst. She's the company's ship." "But the cargo?" "The cargo's mine. That is, I get an allowance, agreed upon with the underwriters for all I have salved. I rather think the sum will be large." "Then you're satisfied?

"That's the craft for us, boys!" cried Captain Savage, pointing her out. "Her cargo's light, and probably the most valuable; and I doubt not that she has some wealthy passengers with their jewel-boxes with them. We will run them aboard, and try if we can't take them without firing a shot!"

It was as fine a lander's crew as ever stood together, not even excepting Captain Jordan's, and now must all be broken up; for this mess of Maskew's has made the place too hot to hold us, and 'twill be many a long day before another cargo's run on Moonfleet Beach.

I need to get across the border an' I don't want to see the inside of no penitentiary, nor come up before any court. I want to get right away quick. See? I can tell you just how a big cargo's comin' into Rocky Springs. I know, because I'm one of 'em bringing it in. See?

"We must refuse," said Cartwright, with quiet firmness. "A frightened committee would probably urge a drastic re-construction scheme, the writing off much of our capital, and perhaps winding up the line. When rates are bad and cargo's scarce, one must take a low price for ships; our liabilities are large, and I imagine selling off would leave us much in debt " Cartwright paused.

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