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As I was walking home after seeing Don Jose and Antonia to their house, the Capataz de Cargadores, riding down the street, spoke to me." "Has anything happened to the Violas?" inquired Mrs. Gould. "The Violas? You mean the old Garibaldino who keeps the hotel where the engineers live? Nothing happened there.

But the town is full of talk about you; and those few Cargadores that are not in hiding with the railway people have been shouting 'Viva Montero' on the Plaza all day." "My poor Cargadores!" muttered Nostromo. "Betrayed! Betrayed!"

I asked him on the wharf, 'When are you going to take hold again, Nostromo? There will be plenty of work for the Cargadores presently. "'Senor, says he, looking at me in a slow, inquisitive manner, 'would it surprise you to hear that I am too tired to work just yet? And what work could I do now? How can I look my Cargadores in the face after losing a lighter?

Otherwise we would have gone on to the wharf, where it appears Captain Mitchell with some volunteer Europeans and a few picked Cargadores are loading the lighter with the silver that must be saved from Montero's clutches in order to be used for Montero's defeat. Nostromo galloped furiously back towards the town. He has been long gone already. This delay gives me time to talk to you.

"And I have sat alone at night with my revolver in the Company's warehouse time and again by the side of that other Englishman's heap of silver, guarding it as though it had been my own." Viola seemed lost in thought. "It is a great thing for me," he repeated again, as if to himself. "It is," agreed the magnificent Capataz de Cargadores, calmly.

She laughed feebly. "Get riches at least for once, you indispensable, admired Gian' Battista, to whom the peace of a dying woman is less than the praise of people who have given you a silly name and nothing besides in exchange for your soul and body." The Capataz de Cargadores swore to himself under his breath. "Leave my soul alone, Padrona, and I shall know how to take care of my body.

Young Ramirez was one of the five Cargadores entrusted with the removal of the treasure from the Custom House on that famous night. As the boat he had charge of was sunk, Nostromo, on leaving the Company's service, recommended him to Captain Mitchell for his successor. He had trained him in the routine of work perfectly, and thus Mr.

In about half an hour we reached the right bank of the river, where we off-saddled, crossing by a trolley platform; the horses were swum over, and the kit carried by the cargadores on their heads. My cargador must have gone down, for when I got my gear later it was soaking wet. On the other side we began to climb, and sharply; we now could look back on Kiangan.

Yes, Sotillo believed that the lighter was sunk, and the Capataz de Cargadores, together with Martin Decoud and perhaps one or two other political fugitives, had been drowned. "I told you well, senor doctor," remarked Nostromo at that point, "that Sotillo did not know everything." "Eh? What do you mean?" "He did not know I was not dead." "Neither did we."

These journeyed in various ways. Some walked afoot and unencumbered, some carried apparently all their belongings on their backs, one outfit comprising three men had three saddle horses and four packs a princely caravan. One of the cargadores' pack-trains went up the road enveloped in a thick cloud of dust twenty or thirty pack-mules and four men on horseback herding them forward.