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And Collie disentangled his legs from an amazing contortion of the riata and tried to whirl the loop as he had seen the cowmen whirl it. "Hold on, son!" said Williams. "You mean right, but don't go to rope him with the saddle on. If you looped that horn, he, like as not, would yank you clean to Calabasas before you got your feet out of that mess of rope you're standin' in.

That's what everybody, friends and enemies, reckon me a gunman. You put me here to clean out this Calabasas gang, not because of my good looks, but because I've been, so far, a fraction of a second quicker on a trigger than these double-damned crooks.

It was north of Medicine Bend, on a ranch near the Peace River; that you never found out who killed him, and that one reason why you came up into this country was to keep an eye out for a clew." "What about it?" asked de Spain, his tone hardening. "I was riding home one night about a month ago from Calabasas with Sassoon. He'd been drinking. I let him do the talking.

For de Spain there was manifestly nothing to do but doubtfully to let Nan try out her influence. They agreed to meet in Calabasas just as soon as Nan could get away. She hoped, she told him, to bring good news.

"I figure," pursued Lefever, "that he has already saved the company fifty thousands in depredations during the next year or two. The Calabasas gang is busted for five years they would eat out of his hand isn't that so, Bob?" "The Calabasas gang, yes; not the Morgans." John's eyes opened on Scott with that solemnity he could assume to bolster a baldly unconvincing statement. "Not now, Bob.

When the June clean-up of the No. 2 Thief River mine came through one hundred and six thousand dollars in gold bullion under double guard and a Calabasas contingent of night-riders tried to stop the treasure, rumor along the Sinks had it that Elpaso's slugs, delivered at the right moment, were responsible for Deaf Sandusky's long illness at Bear Dance, and the failure of the subsequent masked attack on the up stage.

When Gale Morgan stepped into the room on the heels of his two Calabasas friends, de Spain would have sold for less than a cup of coffee all his chances for life.

"See that her pony is lame when she gets here can't be ridden. But you'll take good care of him and send him home in a few days get it?" McAlpin half closed his eyes. "He'll be so lame it would stagger a cowboy to back him ten feet and never be hurt a mite, neither. Trust me!" "No other horse that she could ride, in the barn?" "No horse she could ride between Calabasas and Thief River."

And neither the town haunts of Calabasas men nor those of their Morgan Gap sympathizers had any champion disposed to follow too closely the alert Medicine Bend railroader. In and about the hospital, and in the town itself, Nan found the chief obstacle to her peace of mind in the talk she could not always avoid hearing about de Spain.

Fort Crittenden is no longer occupied and has not been for some time; but a short distance toward Benson is Fort Huachuaca, where at present a garrison of the Ninth Cavalry is quartered. During part of 1868 I carried mail from where Calabasas is now it was then Fort Mason to Fort Crittenden, a proceeding emphatically not as simple as it may sound.