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He couldn't reach the conductor's face so he went for Hawkeye's legs. And the screams of rage from his high-pitched voice, as he shot himself forward, sounded like a cageful of Australian cockatoos on the rampage. Toddles was small, pitifully small for his age; but he wasn't an infant in arms not for a minute.

There was a little gravel sweep running round in front of the hall door; but we left the carriage outside the green gates. Within, it was the completest thing, and I had delighted in it when old Miss Verschoyle had lived there with a companion and a cat, a dog, and a cageful of canaries. The Cottage was covered by a trellis.

Kim slipped out behind him; for it flashed through his head that he had heard this angry, stupid Sahib discoursing loud personalities to an old lady near Umballa three years ago. 'It is well', the Saddhu whispered, jammed in the calling, shouting, bewildered press a Persian greyhound between his feet and a cageful of yelling hawks under charge of a Rajput falconer in the small of his back.

So he 'was minded to enter in unto the people, well knowing that there he had to face more ferocious 'wild beasts' than if a cageful of lions had been loosed on him. Faith in God and fellowship with Christ lift a soul above fear of death.

And if she lingered too long with these and the dogs, Sir Paul, the parrot, was screaming loudly, threatening to "tell the missus," while the whole cageful of little birds were twittering and scolding that they had not been attended to first of all. "The mistress always did them herself," the cook said; and Ella supposed it was her duty to do the same.

Then the whole cageful of hyenas would make a rush for him, howling, snapping and scratching, with their bristles up, and the boy would fall backwards over a sacred cow. About this time I would come along and ask the boy if he had got the hyenas curried, 'cause if he had, I wanted him to curry the grave robbers the jackals.

Through this radiant lane moved a crowd, which culminated in a throng before the post-office, awaiting the distribution of the evening mails. Occasionally there came into it a shrill electric street-car, the motor singing like a cageful of grasshoppers, and possessing a great gong that clanged forth both warnings and simple noise.

"Didn't that sound like a whole cageful of hyenas?" asked Joe, as he wiped the perspiration from his face, and came towards his partners. "I can keep that up about as long as Leander can play, only it's awful hard work." Toby had no doubt as to the truth of that statement; but before he could make any reply, Bob said: "Now, this is where Ben comes in.

Somers was handling it single-handed, and though he was coming at a reckless speed, I expected that he would swing back of the house and come to one of the dramatic sudden stops, on the verge of an accident, for which he is famous. So he did, but not on the driveway! The Thing gave a lurch and veered toward the barn, spitting like a cageful of tiger cats.

If I don't take home a cageful, and one of them red and yaller poll-parrots, I don't stand here now. But are you sure your uncle Reuben lives here, Mas'r Harry?" "I think this must be the spot, Tom," I said, "according to the guide's description." "Why, he must be quite a lord, sir. He's never touched taller or soap in his life, I'll bet.