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We may work together at the Game yet. Farewell! Kim hurried to his carriage: elated, bewildered, but a little nettled in that he had no key to the secrets about him. 'I am only a beginner at the Game, that is sure. I could not have leaped into safety as did the Saddhu. He knew it was darkest under the lamp.

In place of the tremulous, shrinking trader there lolled against the corner an all but naked, ash-smeared, ochre-barred, dusty-haired Saddhu, his swollen eyes opium takes quick effect on an empty stomach luminous with insolence and bestial lust, his legs crossed under him, Kim's brown rosary round his neck, and a scant yard of worn, flowered chintz on his shoulders.

Co come, child; we will play a game of hiding. Do not, for my sake, look from under the cloth. 'I see hope, said E23. 'What is thy scheme? 'This comes next, said Kim, plucking the thin body-shirt. E23 hesitated, with all a North-West man's dislike of baring his body. 'What is caste to a cut throat? said Kim, rending it to the waist. 'We must make thee a yellow Saddhu all over.

'All for the sake of a jest too. He had been grinning at the freedom of the Saddhu's tongue. 'Thy charms do not work well today, Holy One! The Saddhu followed the policeman, fawning and supplicating. The ruck of passengers, busy, with their babies and their bundles, had not noticed the affair.

'He saw thee change the Mahratta to a Saddhu in the twinkling of an eye, as a protection against evil. That shook him. Then he saw the Saddhu fall sheer into the hands of the polis all the effect of thy art. Then he gathered up his son and fled; for he said that thou didst change a quiet trader into an impudent bandier of words with the Sahibs, and he feared a like fate. Where is the Saddhu?

Step by step, withdrawing deferentially and dropping his voice, the yellow Saddhu clomb back to the carriage, cursing the D.S.P. to remotest posterity, by here Kim almost jumped by the curse of the Queen's Stone, by the writing under the Queen's Stone, and by an assortment of Gods with wholly, new names.

He must forsake his gains and his account-books, and sit by the wayside three nights to overcome the malignity of his enemies. The Stars are against him. 'The fewer money-lenders the better, say I; but, Saddhu or no Saddhu, he should pay for my stuff on his shoulders. 'So? But that is thy child on thy shoulder given over to the burning-ghat not two days ago. There remains one thing more.

Kim slipped out behind him; for it flashed through his head that he had heard this angry, stupid Sahib discoursing loud personalities to an old lady near Umballa three years ago. 'It is well', the Saddhu whispered, jammed in the calling, shouting, bewildered press a Persian greyhound between his feet and a cageful of yelling hawks under charge of a Rajput falconer in the small of his back.