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Emlie will be constituted a Board of Overseers I know that in your hands the work will be advanced, and, I hope, prospered to the benefit of this generation and succeeding ones." Octavius Buzzby grasped his hand. "Mr. Van Ostend, I wish old Judge Champney was living to hear this! He'd approve, Mr. Van Ostend, he'd approve of it all and Mr. Louis too." "Thank you, Mr.

"Let's have leap-frog," shouted Davie; "we can jump along as well as walk along. Hooray! hup!" The "hup" was rather an exclamation of necessity than of delight inasmuch as that it was caused by Davie coming suddenly down flat on the ice in the act of vainly attempting to go leap-frog over Mivins's head. "That's your sort," cried Amos Parr; "down with you, Buzzby."

"It's my opinion," remarked Buzzby to Singleton one day, as they stood at the weather gangway watching the foam that spread from the vessel's bow as she breasted the waves of the Atlantic gallantly it's my opinion that our skipper is made o' the right stuff.

That afternoon at the station, Octavius Buzzby met him on the platform. "Mr. Buzzby, is there any truth in the rumor I heard, as I came to the train, that Mrs. Champney has had a stroke?" The face of Champ-au-Haut's factotum worked strangely before he made answer. "Yes, she's had a slight shock.

Jump on the sledge, Grim and Buzzby; O'Riley, you go too. Have a care, Fred; not too near the front! Now, Meetuck " One crack of the long whip terminated the sentence as if with a full stop, and in another moment the sledge was bounding over the snow like a feather at the tails of twelve dogs.

And Buzzby poor Buzzby he also gave up the sea, much against his will, by command of his wife, and took to miscellaneous work, of which there was plenty for an active man in a sea-port like Grayton. Buzzby chanced to blow, his business was to sail right before it. The two little Buzzbys were the joy of their father's heart.

On the present occasion Isobel's eyes were red and swollen, and by no means improved by weeping. Mrs. Bright, too, although three years had done little to alter her character, seemed to be less demonstrative and much more sincere than usual in her grief at parting from Fred. In a few minutes all was ready. Young Singleton and Buzzby having hastily but earnestly bade Mrs.

"Wot! begin to spin the whole yarn o' the Voyage afore I've had time to say, 'How d'ye do?" exclaimed Buzzby, at the same time grasping his two uproarious sons, who had, the instant he sat down, rushed at his legs like two miniature midshipmen, climbed up them as if they had been two masts, and settled on his knees as if they had been their own favourite cross-trees!

The mate's men are all safe, sir; I counted them as we shot past, and I seed Buzzby come up last of all, blowin' like a grampus; and small wonder, considerin' the dive he took." "Take another turn of the coil, Amos, and hold on," said the captain.

"We must talk over that some other time, Buzzby. The captain loves punctuality." So saying, the young surgeon sprang down the companion ladder, leaving the old salt to smoke his pipe in solitude. And here we may pause a few seconds to describe our ship and her crew.