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Deighton into Taya's arms and looked back. "My God! he's going up to Burrowes' house! Come, Banderah," and he started back again, "he'll be speared or shot before he gets there." Just as the missionary reached the door and began in feeble, exhausted tones to call out, Blount and the chief caught up to him, and seizing his hands dragged him away again down the hill.

Some one on board was playing an accordion, and presently he caught the words of a song "Remember, too, the patriots' gore That flecked the streets of Baltimore; Maryland, my Maryland." "Burrowes only sings that when he's very drunk," he said to himself, as he sat down to drink a cup of coffee brought to him by his eldest daughter Taya.

By this time Burrowes had passed beyond the oblate stage, for having found a Canadian bishop willing to dispense him from that portion of the Benedictine rule which was incompatible with his work as a curate in Jonesville, Ontario, he got himself clothed as a novice. About this period a third man joined Burrowes and Harvey in their spare-time monasticism.

Burrowes, who was a great talker and had buttonholed him a quarter of an hour ago, had at last had his attention distracted elsewhere, and had gone off to investigate some matter that called for his personal handling, leaving Fillmore free to slide away to the hotel and get a bite to eat, which he sorely needed. The zeal which had brought him to the training-camp to inspect the final day of Mr.

For some ten minutes or so he remained, speaking only when he was spoken to; and then he rose, and nodding a cool "good-day" to the handsome Mr. de Vere and the two traders, he strode to the door and walked out. Before he was half-way from Burrowes' house to the mission station, he was overtaken by the Rev. Mr. Deighton.

The author of "George Fox digged out of his Burrowes," the sturdy controversialist who in his seventy-third year rowed himself in a boat the whole length of Narragansett bay to engage in a theological tournament against three Quaker champions, was animated by nothing less than the broadest liberalism in his bold reply to the Federal Commissioners in 1657.

Deighton between them they gained the house, and sat the missionary down beside his wife, who with a cry of thankfulness threw her arms about his neck and then quietly fainted. For nearly half an hour Blount, with Banderah and the missionary by his side, looked out through the windows and saw the natives plundering and wrecking the mission house and the dwellings of Schwartzkoff and Burrowes.

The visitor, who was a handsome, fair-haired man, with a blonde moustache and blue eyes, bowed his thanks, and then said, "May I have the honour to introduce myself. My name is De Vere." "And I am the Rev. Wilfrid Deighton, missionary in charge of this island. Peter Schwartzkoff and Mr. Nathaniel Burrowes."

Father Burrowes was elected Father Superior, Brother George was made Assistant Superior, and Brother Birinus had to concentrate in his person various monastic offices just as on the Moose Rib Farm he had combined in his person the duties of the various hands.

The controversy was conducted on both sides with a candour and courtesy rare in that age. The titles of Williams's other principal works, George Fox digged out of his Burrowes, Boston, 1676; Hireling Ministry none of Christ's, London, 1652; and Christenings make not Christians, 1643; sufficiently indicate their character. The last-named tract was discovered in the British Museum by Dr.