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Most children remember seeing and adoring an angel before they were a dozen years old. It's true, it's true, said the old gentleman. He took hold of a steel watch-chain, which carried a large, square gold key at one end and was supposed to have some kind of time-keeper at the other. With some trouble he dragged up an ancient-looking, thick, silver, bull's-eye watch.

Before he left, Fitzjames had already written for him an elaborate exposition of the Indian administrative system, which Lytton compared to a 'policeman's bull's-eye. It lighted up the mysteries of Indian administration.

As they drew close they saw that the first shadow was a policeman, up to his waist in the water, and the second shadow was a man whom he held in his arms, as he waded with difficulty to the shore. "Lend a hand, mates," he shouted as he saw them. Just then a light shone out over the black lake from the bull's-eye of a second policeman who had hurried up in answer to his comrade's whistle.

The woollen muffler fell from about his face, and, although he snapped off the light just then by a movement of his thumb, the others had glimpsed his features. Thad had evidently hit the target in the bull's-eye when he mentioned his suspicions concerning the probable identity of the skulker. It was Leon Disney!

A weary-looking police-sergeant reclined in the corner. "Lend me your bull's-eye, sergeant," said my companion. "Now tie this bit of card round my neck, so as to hang it in front of me. Thank you. Now I must kick off my boots and stockings. Just you carry them down with you, Watson. I am going to do a little climbing. And dip my handkerchief into the creasote. That will do.

She remained somewhere in the outer periphery of his thought nowhere near the bull's-eye, so to speak as a vague automaton that worked when he pulled a bell-rope.

Peppino called my attention to the names of the ships and said how commonplace and dull they were after the romantic names he had seen on the beach at Brighton. He gave, as an instance, Pride of the Ocean, which I remembered having often seen there; it was all very well, but somehow it had never impressed me as hitting the bull's-eye of romance.

"Have I rung th' bell?" he demanded. "Bull's-eye," said Wade. "Own up to it, you two. It's obvious." "Oh, is it?" said Clyde. "Well, if we're half as bad as you and Kitty were " "Don't mind him; he was in love with me once," said Kitty. "He is yet," said Clyde. "Faix, I don't wonder at ut," said Mr. Quilty gallantly. "Very skilful shift of topic," said Wade. "I admit everything.

They had great eyesight, some of these young fellows men who had lain on the bull's-eye at a thousand yards regularly were bound to have that and they made good lookouts once they got the idea, but climbing the last twenty feet of that ladder to the crow's nest, leaning back under part of the time with life-belt stuffed under their overcoats they surely must have been thinking that a soldier's duties were difficult as well as various in these days of war.

Like a giant silver bullet speeding toward a bull's-eye, the rocket ship pin-pointed the planet Venus from among the millions of worlds in space and was soon hovering over Venusport, nose up toward space, ready for a touchdown at the municipal spaceport.