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The youthful bard entertained her very innocently with his bursts of poetry, but she was in no danger from a young person so intimately associated with the yard-stick, the blunt scissors, and the brown-paper parcel. There was Cyprian too, about whom he did not feel any very particular solicitude.

'But that is only for want of opportunity, I'm sure. He glanced at the brown-paper parcel. Acting on an impulse which perturbed her, Monica began to slip off the loosely-tied string, and to unfold the paper. 'I thought it was a book! exclaimed Widdowson merrily, when she had revealed a part of her present. 'When you told me your name, said Monica, 'I ought perhaps to have told you mine.

Some of the spectators, rear-rank men, having but an imperfect view of the transaction, thought that O'Flaherty had been hideously run through the body by his solemn opponent, and swelled the general chorus of counsel and ejaculation, by all together advising cobwebs, brown-paper plugs, clergymen, brandy, and the like; but as none of these comforts were at hand, and nobody stirred, O'Flaherty was left to the resources of Nature.

By a fire, under the shelter of a tarpaulin, squatted a short, thick man smoking a brown-paper cigarette. "Hello," he said. "Are you Mister Sprague's new man?" As Kit nodded, he thought he had noted a shade of emphasis on the mister and the man, and he was sure of a hint of a twinkle in the corner of the eye. "Well, I'm Doc Stine's man," the other went on.

The feeling did not pass off, and I actually discovered that I was dreading my visit to Phoebe, only of course I scouted it as nonsense. Miss Locke was out, and Kitty opened the door. Her demure little face brightened when she saw me, and especially when I placed a large brown-paper parcel in her arms, of that oblong shape dear to all doll-loving children, and bade her take it into the kitchen.

The overalls were rolled in an unobtrusive brown-paper parcel to be carried under the arm; and, having paid for his bedroom, he went out at about eight o'clock, walking boldly through the streets just as Mr. Dale of Rodchurch, dressed in blue serge and not in his best black coat Mr.

'Now, gen'l'm'n, said the hostler, 'coach is ready, if you please. 'Is all my luggage in? inquired Mr. Magnus. 'All right, sir. 'Is the red bag in? 'All right, Sir. 'And the striped bag? 'Fore boot, Sir. 'And the brown-paper parcel? 'Under the seat, Sir. 'And the leather hat-box? 'They're all in, Sir. 'Now, will you get up? said Mr. Pickwick.

Duggleton had nice Louis XV furniture, all white and gold, and a quaint new brown-paper medium on her walls. Colour, oddly enough, little Joseph could not pretend to; but he had a remarkably fine ear, and was often heard, before he was ten years old, singing some set of words or other over and over again very loudly upon the staircase to a few single notes.

But, horror! the potato and coal combined proved rather too heavy, and, retaining their impetus longer than intended, carried the luckless brown-paper bundle over the lee-side and into the North Sea.

In this way I became the owner of my smoking-table, and when I saw it in a brown-paper parcel on my return to my chambers I could not think what it was until I cut the strings. Such a little gem of a table no smokers should be without; and I am not ashamed to say that I was in love with mine as soon as I had fixed the pieces together.